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  1. E

    Saban: Players lose by entering NFL draft early

    A great and hopeful point.
  2. E

    Saban: Players lose by entering NFL draft early

    You list 3 underclassman that coming out early worked for them, but fail to list the 10-15 or 20 who failed miserably. Yet, you claim; "for every bad decision, there's an equal amount that made the correct decision". Your strong point is not math, my friend! You use words like "probably" to try...
  3. E

    Saban: Players lose by entering NFL draft early

    Okay. But, you don't have to rely on a hypothesis to form a conclusion, just use the facts. Miami kids have been coming out early over the last many years and almost to a man the results have been horrendous. No what if's...just disaster after disaster!
  4. E

    Saban: Players lose by entering NFL draft early

    My point is that even after the kids are provided with facts that prove their decision will almost certainly end badly they still come out. So, to answer your question, I am 100% certain Manny educated last year's crop of early departees and they still walked the plank.
  5. E

    Saban: Players lose by entering NFL draft early

    And like clockwork, at the end of next season 4 or so Canes underclassman will come out after being told they will be 2nd, 3rd or 4th round selections only to be drafted in the last few rounds, or not drafted at all! And this will happen despite example after example of Canes players who were...
  6. E

    Saban: Players lose by entering NFL draft early