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  1. Canez1

    I think the powers that be want to wait and see the spring results

    Your avatar tells me all I need to know.
  2. Canez1

    I think the powers that be want to wait and see the spring results

    What a surprise. One of your typical upity smartass comments as usual. Please enlighten us all with your great and powerful wisdom as to just exactly what it is that the NCAA is waiting on. That is unless are you just waiting for the next person to come on to a DISCUSSION board with a thought of...
  3. Canez1

    I think the powers that be want to wait and see the spring results

    I’m saying if he emerges head and shoulders above the other QBs, it gives them much more incentive to deny his waiver just to fvck with us.
  4. Canez1

    I think the powers that be want to wait and see the spring results

    It seems that every thread with one of the names of our new QBs gets locked after a few replies, cutting off any further discussion. I haven’t seen this specific thing discussed in any of the threads unless I somehow missed it. They can watch how everything unfolds under Enos against the other...