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  1. Tad Footeball

    Khris Bogle note

    You may ask yourself how did I get here.....but just sit back and enjoy the jam.
  2. Tad Footeball

    Khris Bogle note

    Word out of The Culinary Institute of America is that they're feeling verrrry confident tonight.
  3. Tad Footeball

    Khris Bogle note

    All we have to do is visualize it!
  4. Tad Footeball

    Khris Bogle note

    Not with that attitude we aren't.
  5. Tad Footeball

    Khris Bogle note

    I personally could give 2 ***** about Auburn so this is as much of a win we could hope for with MAR (aside from actually getting him). UiF loses. Ahmmon's social media doesn't become beyond annoying.
  6. Tad Footeball

    Khris Bogle note

    Odds that Bagel continues to boggle our minds and "commits" somewhere tomorrow morning and then by the afternoon we hear the frantic reports on eSECpn that his paperwork isn't in to that school yet and that some things are "still up in the air"?