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  1. C

    Stockholm Syndrome..

    We didn't have to fire him.... we can most certainly fire the rest of the OC staff and he would either have to live with that or leave.... he chose to leave.
  2. C

    Stockholm Syndrome..

    He would have to coach without his son and yes_men.... he made the choice that he didn't want to... So quit the valor and nobility speal
  3. C

    Stockholm Syndrome..

    Show some yourselves when you call others names
  4. C

    Stockholm Syndrome..

    Yes, forced.... to fire his son and the other deadbeats on this staff or move on..
  5. C

    Stockholm Syndrome..

    You are a slurping id1ot yourself... yes, he should have quit playcalling 2 years ago, when he was exposed as a non_OC.. after they fired him for exactly that reason at UGa.. would think he would see the obvious.
  6. C

    Stockholm Syndrome..

    Many posters here exhibiting classic signs Stockholm Syndrome. A stubborn a$$ former HC, hired his son and wife... and a bunch of latchkeys... wouldn't make any changes for the betterment of the program... finally resigned after wasting another year just like Folden before him... ... and some...