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  1. Tad Footeball

    Good point I heard on why he won’t hire an OC

    Yup. It's almost like a miniature version of what FSU had with Jeff Bowden. You're right though about one option that I've heard other people in the media mention too- Rick should have enough of a network of connections that someone at a lesser program could give Lil Jon a landing spot. ****, we...
  2. Tad Footeball

    Good point I heard on why he won’t hire an OC

    Ohhhh, I agree. I'm just thinking what are possible realistic scenarios in relation to how Miami will freakin' handle it.
  3. Tad Footeball

    Good point I heard on why he won’t hire an OC

    Absolutely but he probably (absurdly) wants the kid to retain the title. I'm just saying a lot of OCs are defacto QB coaches too so we really only need the one current opening to add an OC. Lil Jon is essentially a co-QB coach with Rick right now anyway so it's not like he should be super...
  4. Tad Footeball

    Good point I heard on why he won’t hire an OC

    He actually wouldn't even have to fire Lil Jon depending on the hire. Matt Canada was OC and QB coach at LSU. You just make Lil Jon co-QB coach or "passing game specialist" or some **** and then you deal with Searles if that's a demand the new guy makes.