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  1. E

    If You Ain't Cryin', Then You Ain't Tryin!

    It's a **** shame you didn't join in the '70s, because today you could be promoting Chuck Forman for the Heisman. Wait! I've got it...Rosier4heisman!
  2. E

    If You Ain't Cryin', Then You Ain't Tryin!

    But, at least you are consistent.
  3. E

    If You Ain't Cryin', Then You Ain't Tryin!

    You and your ignorant ilk played a major role in today's recruiting results. You and your confederacy of dunces have not one clue as to the University of Miami football program, which points to just how damaging you fools have been to the program. Sadly, in today's social media world even those...
  4. E

    If You Ain't Cryin', Then You Ain't Tryin!

    You showing me what you eat for dinner isn't going to elevate you out of the; 'Little Johnny Has One Wheel Stuck in the Sand Class".
  5. E

    If You Ain't Cryin', Then You Ain't Tryin!

    I am more than happy to fulfill your request. But first, answer this, why do you always stick your head into a fire to determine if it's hot?
  6. E

    If You Ain't Cryin', Then You Ain't Tryin!

    Now you've gone and done it! The Herd does not look kindly upon those that give them the credit they so richly deserve. It is their sworn duty to slam and ridicule every single aspect of the UM football program. Just yesterday one of their brilliant members cautioned his fellow Herd teammates...
  7. E

    If You Ain't Cryin', Then You Ain't Tryin!

    Yes, when you get on the scale if it reads three hundred pounds plus, never wear corduroy pants as the static electricity that your thighs rubbing together will produce may shock you back into reality, which is a guaranteed expulsion from the Herd.
  8. E

    If You Ain't Cryin', Then You Ain't Tryin!

    And to think, all of the newspapers reported that Einstien is dead. Just to give you some insight into this brilliant poster, he still believes Duke Johnson is eligible to win the Heisman Trophy.
  9. E

    If You Ain't Cryin', Then You Ain't Tryin!

    If by storyteller you mean lunatic...guilty as charged. An ex-girlfriend once observed; "You have vivid imagination", which plays heavily into the ex-girlfriend status. Merry Christmas!
  10. E

    If You Ain't Cryin', Then You Ain't Tryin!

    I am sure he does, and knowing you via this message board I also hope he prays for you, because you sure as **** need it!
  11. E

    If You Ain't Cryin', Then You Ain't Tryin!

    Not trying to be a know it all, but I am pretty sure Mark Richt is the head coach of the Miami Hurricanes football team. Now, if I were trying to be a know it all I would be lecturing you how today's recruiting class will pan out, but that would be a form of space age stupidity to pretend I can...
  12. E

    If You Ain't Cryin', Then You Ain't Tryin!

    The Herd's verdict has been handed down concerning today's early signing period... Oh, the humanity, avert your eyes, the world has come to an end, and it's Mark Richt's fault!!! Some are saying this is UM's worst recruiting class EVER, which is the winner of the annual 'Sergeant Schultz; I...