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  1. P

    Mork would have kicked Ed Reed off the team

    LMAO, yes I'm sure Ed was never late for a practice or had one that was less than steller. And Saban kicked off that LB after he physically pushed a coach on the sidelines after much public pressure.
  2. P

    Mork would have kicked Ed Reed off the team

    Thank you Mike THOT. Your 120 posts have been a valuable contribution.
  3. P

    Mork would have kicked Ed Reed off the team

    Are you comparing your 9 to 5 to playing college football?lmao Talk to me when your job involves you violently attacking your co workers everyday so you can attack someone else on Saturday's.
  4. P

    Mork would have kicked Ed Reed off the team

    Dude please tell me you aren't this dense. The fact that Richt kicked off his best player for attitude problems tells you he doesn't care whether you are all pro or the last player on the bench or if your 18 years old or 50, if you act out you get cut or kicked off the team. THIS IS HIS...
  5. P

    Mork would have kicked Ed Reed off the team

    Yes I'm sure Ed said to himself one day "I made some pro bowls and won defensive player of the year, I can now cuss out my coaches bc I have earned the right."
  6. P

    Mork would have kicked Ed Reed off the team

    Dude you are totally missing the point. Reed was ALWAYS an emotional player, even when he was at UM (so is Thomas). Attitude (ie. the way one feels about something) don't change much over the years bc they are conditioned responses. One may change their actions to their emotions over the...
  7. P

    Mork would have kicked Ed Reed off the team

    Did you even watch the video or did you just pump out this verbal diarrhea? First, I doubt Ed's attitude changed much whether he was 22 or 32. In fact it probably was better as he got older than his younger years. Harbaugh CLEARLY stated Ed was up and down with his emotions, when the hoody...