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  1. C

    Richt: “You need 60 great players to win”

    And one more thing. When Richt says “win big” what’s does that actually mean? What does he know about winning big? He hasn’t won anything since a Sugar Bowl win against Hawaii 15 years ago.
  2. C

    Richt: “You need 60 great players to win”

    Actually he’s the most predictable guy in football history..... so yes lol
  3. C

    Richt: “You need 60 great players to win”

    One partial quote that didn’t deter from his thinking. The others are full quotes. Care to comment on that since you got something to say about everything.
  4. C

    Richt: “You need 60 great players to win”

    Quite honestly that’s the quote I saw, so sure my fault on that, but it’s basically a quote I would expect for him to say. No body in their right mind expected a ACC title, let alone playoffs. We know we have deficiencies on the roster. But to score 39 points in 3 games against bottom of the...
  5. C

    Richt: “You need 60 great players to win”

    People need to get over yourselves with the whole taking a quote out of context. How many players does he need to beat teams that are middle of the pack programs and some of the worst out of all P5 schools?
  6. C

    Richt: “You need 60 great players to win”

    Called for his head after a National Title? CNN type stuff right there.
  7. C

    Richt: “You need 60 great players to win”

    That’s not the point though. If he can’t even beat those teams how the **** do you expect him to “win big”. And if you are saying you are not defending him which in fact you are, explain his other quotes I have provided.
  8. C

    Richt: “You need 60 great players to win”

    I don’t think Pitt, UVA, BC or Duke has 20 players combined that are great and yet we’ve been taken to the woodshed by them. We never stood a chance against the first 3. His weekly comments and quotes are so weak and pathetic, it’s worse than his gameplans. “This offense has worked for 30...