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  1. 407cane

    This is Miami

    i'm not sure people assume me saying perry deserves criticism means that I am a fan of rosier. I'm a fan of us winning, and I don't care how heralded Perry was in High schoo, he needs to be better to be the qb @ miami with these expectations. hopefully rosier can pull out the W against BC
  2. 407cane

    This is Miami

    agreed, good news is season is only half over and have another 7 games of miami football left for the year (if/when we make ACCCG)
  3. 407cane

    This is Miami

    dip**** stats thread? you don't like the stats so it's dumb? alright ha. gtfo my mentions man, find another hobby, perhaps a family and a job
  4. 407cane

    This is Miami

    It doesn't matter what the **** he is This is Miami. The player that gives us the best chance to win plays. Idc if Perry is only a RS freshman if he can't beat out the QB who you guys consider to be the worst of all time the he should have gone to a lower program Idc who the QB is. I was one...
  5. 407cane

    This is Miami

    I'm not gonna take the time to respond to each bullet point because I can't justify arguing with someone so stupid over and over again.. god bless and best of luck overcoming your incompetence and the inability to understand context
  6. 407cane

    This is Miami

    How many road wins does rosier have compared to kosi? Is rosier a good qb? No, I'm not a rosier fan. But rosier has led us to big time wins. If richt doesn't trust Perry then obviously your hard on for Perry is mis placed
  7. 407cane

    This is Miami

    Is being an illogical Homer mean that I'm not trying to fly a banner of firing the most successful coach we've had since 2003? I guess so. I can't believe how much of a Homer I am that I watched 14 years go by of no 10 win seasons then we get one despite bad QB play and then all of a sudden...
  8. 407cane

    This is Miami

    You're not intelligent enough to find the point in the post You guys should start wondering about what Perry is doing or not doing that allowed rosier to start. Not necessarily mean that rosier is good, it means that the coaches (the only ppl with opinions that matter ) truly believe he can not...
  9. 407cane

    This is Miami

    Perry has done nothing to prove he's good enough to receive your guys' unconditional support This is the same **** you guys did when you idiotically begged for rosier too soon Is rosier good ? No, he's serviceable. I can't wait for Perry to develop more and lead us in the future, but he...
  10. 407cane

    This is Miami

    You'll seem to have trouble with the word "you"
  11. 407cane

    This is Miami

    No matter what play calling we have against a team like UVA we should win. OL was all time bad in that game re watch it if you need to You know how many run plays Alabama has? They execute them well and their OL isn't trash Is playcalling good ? No. Is it good enough to beat UVA? Yes. OL and...
  12. 407cane

    This is Miami

    We aren't in practice, in the huddle, around the program etc.. It's apparent that something kosi is doing shows he can't handle a road game. I'm sure we'll see like 1 quarter rosier and 3 quarters perry. Idgaf who the QB is as long as they don't blow the game. I'm against the morons on here...
  13. 407cane

    This is Miami

    But yet requesting he be the starter.. which is my point. Doesn't make sense Let them split 50/50. We'll see who's better down the stretch
  14. 407cane

    This is Miami

    Oh yeah you were the one unable to realize that because we scored more on defense, our offense didn't have as many opportunities to score as we normally do.. (46 plays opposed to mid 60's like normal) and you in effect of making the low output from the offense into an average and holding that...
  15. 407cane

    This is Miami

    Yeah I will tonight, been a busy week and I stayed off the board after the loss because of the idiocy running wild on here
  16. 407cane

    This is Miami

    Exactly my point.. except some even know it's a dumpster fire and yet STILL go on social media and this site demanding we get a new coach. Idiots
  17. 407cane

    This is Miami

    How is that not incorporated in that ? The point is none of you are holding Perry responsible. Is rosier good ? No, but Perry has much more to do with that loss than anyone on our sidelines
  18. 407cane

    This is Miami

    Then what does that say about Perry Be smart here man
  19. 407cane

    This is Miami

    The only TD UVA scored was because of Perry pick So we are still finding a way to blame the loss solely on rosier and none on Perry?? Both QBs played bad. Perry cost us the game early, rosier wasn't good enough to make up for it
  20. 407cane

    This is Miami

    We don't risk losing games like UVA to help a young qbs self esteem. If Perry isn't good enough to beat out rosier then he needs to ride the bench. Those of you saying it would be acceptable to lose games "as long as kosi is in and getting experience" are morons and hipocrites. We need players...