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  1. OriginalGatorHater

    OT: UGA Baseball Player Dismissed for Slurs

    Guess what? Vin Diesel can make a million dollars threatening people in his movies, but if a student goes around threatening people in school he will be kicked out of school.
  2. OriginalGatorHater

    OT: UGA Baseball Player Dismissed for Slurs

    He did. People told him to stop saying it and he refused then a cop came over and told him to stop and again he kept saying it. The officer actually ended up standing next to him for the entire game due to the incident.
  3. OriginalGatorHater

    OT: UGA Baseball Player Dismissed for Slurs

    Imagine if some baseball player as Miss St. called Michael Sam a ******? The kid would be booted in an instant. Or if a UCLA Male Volleyball player called Josh Rosen the K word? He would be booted in a second as well. But lets be honest. If Berios said the N word last year and the players...
  4. OriginalGatorHater

    OT: UGA Baseball Player Dismissed for Slurs

    Of course. That doesn't mean players should not be suspended for hurling them at their teammates.
  5. OriginalGatorHater

    OT: UGA Baseball Player Dismissed for Slurs

    I see what you are saying. You are saying the website censors the word? For one you can't censor the C word because of its double meaning. That is probably because it is the most commonly used slur so they censored it. I am sure if the other slurs started to gain traction and were used for...
  6. OriginalGatorHater

    OT: UGA Baseball Player Dismissed for Slurs

    The C word still is a racial slur. If they used it in a work environment I doubt HR would think it was funny.
  7. OriginalGatorHater

    OT: UGA Baseball Player Dismissed for Slurs

    Yes that is the one and it is equally as bad as the N word. If you used it in any work environment be it football or a regular job you will be fired. That is because you chose to censor the word. I don't use any of them. You said it a few posts up. It really isn't a double standard. Any...
  8. OriginalGatorHater

    OT: UGA Baseball Player Dismissed for Slurs

    I have quite a few ****** friends that would knock someone out if they called them the K word. This is not a millennial thing. Wars in were started over words as far back as civilization in the fertile crescent.
  9. OriginalGatorHater

    OT: UGA Baseball Player Dismissed for Slurs

    Ya, but the student that got expelled wasn't even a football player so we would base it off total college students not off football players.
  10. OriginalGatorHater

    OT: UGA Baseball Player Dismissed for Slurs

    I mean there is 250 million white people in America and 40 million blacks. Statistically more white people will get in trouble for using a racial slur then black people purely because their is more than 6x the amount of them. In this climate if you use a racial slur you will get kicked off the...
  11. OriginalGatorHater

    OT: UGA Baseball Player Dismissed for Slurs

    I mean I agree with your sentiment. Every news agency panders to their demographic. Its just that fox business and fox sports are not on the level of fox news.
  12. OriginalGatorHater

    OT: UGA Baseball Player Dismissed for Slurs

    I don't really think that is true. Had Fromm used the slur he would not have been released either. It was a UGA baseball player making fun of a UGA football player. UGA sucks at baseball and they are making fun of a member of the sports team that pays for their team to even be able to exist. If...
  13. OriginalGatorHater

    OT: UGA Baseball Player Dismissed for Slurs

    Fox business is totally different. They don't really push a certain agenda. It is like how on fox sports you won't be getting conservative propaganda pushed at you during the game.
  14. OriginalGatorHater

    OT: UGA Baseball Player Dismissed for Slurs

    You are 100% correct regarding the economists. That is where people go wrong. They watch Kramer and think " hey I should buy his stocks and I will become a millionaire". Listening to any of these guys advice is usually a bad tactic. Of course they will be right sometimes, but it is very dumb to...
  15. OriginalGatorHater

    OT: UGA Baseball Player Dismissed for Slurs

    It really isn't a double standard. It is the way the word is used. For example. If I went to a fat person and said "You are unhealthily obese" they would most likely get offended, but if a doctor told a patient the same thing that no be offensive. In fact it would be beneficial. Asians and...
  16. OriginalGatorHater

    OT: UGA Baseball Player Dismissed for Slurs

    In his defense Fox News is completely different from Fox business. Fox Business is way less biased and isn't filled with propaganda/fake news like you would expect.
  17. OriginalGatorHater

    OT: UGA Baseball Player Dismissed for Slurs

    Read the WSJ it is 100x better than fox business news. If you were to ever bring up a talking point like "so I heard Charles Payne say .... on Fox Business news last night" at any big company in the financial sector you would get laughed out of the meeting.