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  1. UMFarArcher

    Coach Simpson

    You booger! Wife just asked if I wanted some ice cream and I said no. I see your post - and now I'm going to get some - with chocolate syrup! And I was doing so goooood today . . .
  2. UMFarArcher

    Coach Simpson

  3. UMFarArcher

    Coach Simpson

    Well, he's got his priorities - I got mine. I want to hear him interviewed.
  4. UMFarArcher

    Coach Simpson

    She might ask how he feels about playing LSU the first game, then again, she may just ask boxers or briefs? Anything but a meaningful question. This is exactly why I hate Bimbo's doing sports reporting. Cut to the meat, and cut the fluff.
  5. UMFarArcher

    Coach Simpson

    Why in the Wide, Wide, World of Sports can we not hear from Coach Simpson in post-practice interviews, or somehow, someway - somebody get off the stick and get some words and thoughts from our Dline Coach - where it appears - he's been doing quite a good job? Any of you near the program - ask...