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  1. Brooklyndee

    Todays practice 31st

    Im in vegas right now bruh so im no good to yall. Ill be back in time for the scrimmage on saturday though.
  2. Brooklyndee

    Todays practice 31st

    Line hasnt come out yet for that. I always take the over on total wins and conference championship. Obviously won on total wins last year which was 7.5 & lost on acc championship.
  3. Brooklyndee

    Todays practice 31st

    Page 11 towards middle.
  4. Brooklyndee

    Todays practice 31st

    Ur right to an extent. Part of it is simply lazy routes. However you bring up arms being tight & im not sure if youre aware but before any of this goes down we have calisthenics then warms up where they throw for atleast a half hour. Although those routes are lazy theres no reason not to make...
  5. Brooklyndee

    Todays practice 31st

    But nah its just my agenda. Lol
  6. Brooklyndee

    Todays practice 31st

    Nah. Stuck in vegas for a few days.
  7. Brooklyndee

    Todays practice 31st

    Cause with the ipf taking up so much of the space and construction going on daily were having to split up practice. Weve been on greentree,the intramural field & even the baseball field at times. School obviously has other activities booked as well. Like on saturday there was track going on &...
  8. Brooklyndee

    Todays practice 31st

    If film is the only point or atleast the emphasis of course ur right. Any scout would tell you thats by far the hardest position to recruit beyond a high school level. It really is a crap shoot. Far as film goes theres far too many intangibles to put so much belief into it. At this level the...
  9. Brooklyndee

    Todays practice 31st

    I'm sorry. Not to argue semantics but that particular comparison doesn't hold up. Wimbush had one thing going for him that was his underneath game was on point. At Notre dame they tried to extend him out to where he was making throws he's not yet comfortable with. But when he stayed in his...
  10. Brooklyndee

    Todays practice 31st

    Lb are looking good as a unit. Overall i hadn't bothered to really break them each down. Did notice wilder is looking good in coverage if not great. Shaq got lean & is in great shape. That should help him with his explosion & pickney is looking like hes gonna have a **** of a year. Him & shaq...
  11. Brooklyndee

    Todays practice 31st

    Curious. What exactly am i saying in this thread that is black or white? About leadership? If thats what you mean than im sorry but you and i simply have a very different idea of what a leader is. Come out to practice and see how deejay is with the offense when malik is running it... a leader...
  12. Brooklyndee

    Todays practice 31st

    Maybe not afraid but he pulls up on a regular & shys from contact (except like i said for those last several games leading into the acccg,he was playing like a beast after he got that concussion. Guess he didn't like seeing himself like that on espn. He has gained some good weight in the off season.
  13. Brooklyndee

    Todays practice 31st

  14. Brooklyndee

    Todays practice 31st

    Ur right. Edge left after that ucla game 98-99 najeh & jarret were the other 2. Funny thing there is sarge always swore jarret was the best out of all of them.
  15. Brooklyndee

    Todays practice 31st

    Who ever thinks malik is a great leader is kidding themselves. I had one of my boys point out to me something during the Clemson game. If you go back and watch it they were showing him on the side line mid first quarter and he was sitting off by himself looking dejected and sulking. There was a...
  16. Brooklyndee

    Todays practice 31st

    Absolutely he's gonna lose some weight. It's just going it a healthy way or simply saying it off. During summer the bigger people routinely drop plenty each day. I used to lose Dan near 8lbs every day during summer. But as anyone thats ever taken working out serious would tell you that kind of...
  17. Brooklyndee

    Todays practice 31st

    Lo has parts of his game that are already very impressive. But he's not on travis level yet (and he shouldn't be. Nothing wrong with that) he's gotta work on his blocking and like most freshman patience with his blockers and trusting his vision. I think travis is gonna have a huge year if we...
  18. Brooklyndee

    Todays practice 31st

    Just to be clear I'm not saying it's jarrens job. I'm not even saying one of nkosi or jarren leads over the other. I'm simply giving my outlook and based on what I've seen how i feel it may work out. Don't discount the fact that nkosi has had a year already in this system though. That is a huge...
  19. Brooklyndee

    Todays practice 31st

    Nah. Deejay aint taking that job from either homer or lo as a starter. **** be the 2 guy for change of pace. Hes around 220 but its definitely not all good weight. Id like to see him if hes at 220 now drop around 8-10 pounds and chisel up. He def needs the added weight and hes running HARD but i...
  20. Brooklyndee

    Todays practice 31st

    Ill put it this way. My first thought was of coach soldinger when i first saw burns. If youre a long time cane youll know what i mean. But i was pleasantly surprised cause i havent been expecting ANYTHING out of him.