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  1. Justheretosay

    OT - Game of Thrones S8

    And they could’ve made episode 1 longer gotten all of this out of the way then. But nope these awful writers instead devoted time to pointless storylines like greyworm, the Greyjoys, Arya having ***, etc.
  2. Justheretosay

    OT - Game of Thrones S8

    And they couldn’t have packed the set up and swan songs into one episode because?
  3. Justheretosay

    OT - Game of Thrones S8

    They had last season to build up shock value and it was terrible. Also they could have made episode 1 longer, set up shock value and then move plot better in this episode. Instead we got a carbon copy of episode 1
  4. Justheretosay

    OT - Game of Thrones S8

    These writers are awful. Their trick is to write ****** episodes then have one gigantic battle to make everyone forget how bad at writing they are. That episode was trash. It did 0 to move the plot forward. Also none of the stark children can act. Sorry, but they’re terrible actors.
  5. Justheretosay

    OT - Game of Thrones S8

    The first episode was mediocre. First I thought the episodes were supposed to be more than an hour, but it ended up being 50 friggan minutes of filler. No one gives a **** about the greyjoys. Also the starks have always been the generic hero family and boring.
  6. Justheretosay

    James Blackman has entered the Portal

    It’s new crack and i am injecting it into my veins
  7. Justheretosay

    James Blackman has entered the Portal

    And Francois supposedly had an agreement with Heupel to come to UCF, but his dumbass didn’t graduate on time. So Francois is looking to get out ASAP
  8. Justheretosay

    Portal>Early/Regular Signing Day

    Have to say that in terms of fun/anticipation the portal is a lot better than signing day. This is like college football’s free agency. Constantly refreshing Twitter/tdubs sauces for the latest info. Whereas the offseason is normally long and boring, this year it has not. That is because of how...
  9. Justheretosay

    Apologies accepted here

    Is this where we are given our apologies?
  10. Justheretosay

    OT: Adam Googly Eyes Gase

    Some ny reporter Manish is crying on Twitter about the Gase memes
  11. Justheretosay

    Portal Qbs ?

    You talking about Milton or the one they just signed?
  12. Justheretosay

    Portal Qbs ?

    Wimbush is probably headed to UCF so he’s out
  13. Justheretosay

    Trevon Hill

    He is. Two of his former teammates who transferred there are recruiting him to go there
  14. Justheretosay

    UPDATE: STILL MY OPINION: Hurts decision expected tomorrow/martell by Tuesday

    Oh so just like you constantly. Also I am calling you a austistic moron . Do you grasp that or are those words too big for your comprehension?
  15. Justheretosay

    UPDATE: STILL MY OPINION: Hurts decision expected tomorrow/martell by Tuesday

    ....... My bad I should’ve have realized you have a touch of autism.