Recap: SMH...North Carolina Wins 18-14

Dan E. Dangerously
Dan E. Dangerously
8 min read

If I told you Miami was going to hold UNC to 18 points, you'd think they would've won. Afterall, UNC was averaging 44 per game. Instead they fall to UNC 18-14, leaving them 3-1 in the conference (4-3 overall). The first time all year that our defense shows any life and of course the offense ***** themselves for the 2nd week in a row. The game shouldn't have even been close. UNC kept us in the game with dumb penalties and missed field goals. So god**** frustrating.

Morris couldn't get in a rhythm all game. Bull**** wildcat formations with Mike James at the start didn't help things. Phillip 'Featherstone' Dorsett can't stop dropping passes. To make it even better, Morris tweaked his ankle at the end and we got to see Ryan Williams throw 4 yard passes all over the field.



Here's what I said were the keys to victory in the gameday post:

4 storylines for UM in this game:

1. Will the team shake off the embarrassment from last week?
2. Can the receiving corp bounce back after hanging Morris out to dry?
3. Can we get the running game going again?
4. Can the defense force some turnovers?


They only put up 14 points, and the only reason we were in the game was because of all of UNC's dumb penalties.


Featherstone needs to get his **** together.


James & Duke combined for about 150 yards, but since we were playing from behind all day it wasn't enough.


Eddie Johnson made a pick at the goal line, but it didn't matter in the end.


1st Quarter:

Miami starts out with some horse**** wildcat stuff with Mike James where Morris comes in motion pre-snap. The first time the did it, James kept it and got stuffed. So stupid. Morris had to do some big scramble on 3rd and long to keep the drive alive. They do the wildcat again, this time James hands it off to Morris. Morris passes on the run and almost gets picked off after a Defensive lineman batted the ball in the air. Stop being cute Fisch. Miami is forced to punt when Malcolm Bunche jumps on 4th and 1.

UNC goes down the field in 3.6 seconds, with Gio Bernard running over, around, and through the entire defense. 7-0 UNC.


Miami starts driving, and after a vicious facemask on Morris, Dorsett decided it was time to drop another touchdown. On the next play James tips a Morris pass into the air and it's picked off.

Before you could even get mad about the turnover, UNC was back inside the 10 yardline. Then something amazing happened. Apparently a defensive player made what my friend told me was, "a play". I didn't know our defense was allowed to do that. He jumped in front of a pass at the goal line and returned back about another 25 yards.

UM starts driving again. Allen Hurns makes a couple of first downs along the way. Mike James has a couple of good runs up the middle. Still 7-0 UNC.

2nd Quarter:

Eventually the drive stalls, and Golden elects to go for it on 4th down. The pass is dropped, but it would've been well short of the first down anyway.

UNC punts it back, and now Wheeler is in at Center. Apparently McDermott was getting work done, no clue on what. Miami has to punt, but some dumb *** Tar Heel roughs Botts and the drive continues. Miami gets inside the 10, and UNC proceeds to have back to back 12 men on the field penalties. Mike James eventually punches it in, and we're all tied up at 7.

UNC is moving again. Perryman tweaks his ankle again and has to leave the field. Eventually UNC is facing 4th down and they go for it. Renner hits Bernard on a swing pass and Bernard makes a sick fingertip catch for the 1st down. Bernard walks 17 yards untouched on the next play for a TD. UNC runs a swinging gate for the 2 point conversion 15-7 UNC.

Miami starts driving again to match their TD before the half, but Morris is picked on a deep ball to Dorsett. UNC leads 15-7 at the half.

3rd Quarter:

The teams trade 3 and outs to open the 2nd half. Then Dorsett decides to finally catch a ball that's thrown to him and converts big 1st down on 3rd and long. Miami keeps moving inside the 10. Morris eventually sneaks it in from about 5 yards out. Morris hit 3 big passes on 3rd and long to keep the drive alive.

Miami attempts to go for 2 to tie the game, but the piece of **** ref throws a flag because UM snapped to ball to quickly. Total horse**** call. Miami kicks the XP to make it 15-14.

UNC is in in UM territory before you can blink. The drive eventually stalls, and Barth kicks a field goal to make it 18-14 UNC.

Morris tries to go deep again to Dorsett but is picked by Trae Boston again, who returns deep into UM territory. Turns out a ref flagged UNC for pass interference to wipe out the play. Total bull**** call, but after the flag we got on the 2 point what? Mike James makes a couple of grown man runs up the middle to close out the 3rd quarter, still trailing UNC 18-14.

4th Quarter:

Miami's drive stalls and Golden elects to punt from the 33 yard line. That's the 2nd time in the game that Golden doesn't go to Weiclaw when in field goal range. Thankfully, the punt is downed at the 1 by Telemaque.

Two plays later, UNC is at the 35 yardline after 2 big runs by Bernard. UNC keeps moving into field goal range but Barth misses for the 2nd time in the game.

Tim Reynolds ‏@ByTimReynolds
Some defenses are bend-but-don't-break. Miami's is break-but-don't-shatter. Carolina, which averages 44ppg, leads 18-14 with 10:13 left.

Morris is moving the team into UNC territory and on 3rd and long he lands funny on his left foot and badly sprains his ankle.


Williams comes in and is able to get the team to convert a couple more 1st downs but the drive ends with Dorsett dropping another pass on 4th down.


UNC is basically handing off to Bernard on every play at this point. Then they decide to get cute and pass the ball on 2nd and 3rd downs. Both are incomplete, and Miami takes over at the 17 yard line with 1:47 remaining and two timeouts left.

Williams is dinking and dunking his way to midfield. Then he hits Scott on a slant for a 21 yard gain. Miami is now at the 29 with :38 seconds left. Then Williams showed why he was a back-up by taking a really bad sack, which lead to a 4th and 16 play. UNC dials up more pressure on Williams and he forces a ball to Clive Walford. Problem is, he was 6 yards short of yard marker. Ball game.


Florida State is next week. We might not have Morris, who appeared to sprain his ankle.


Comments (9)

I'd have to watch it again on the 4th down play to Dorsett but I'm not sure that was all his fault. I think a defender got a hand in there and the ball wasn't very well thrown. Plus, it was basically the same play we converted a previous 4th down on so their D was on top of it.
You might be right. But at this point, Dorsett doesn't get the benefit of the doubt from me anymore.
Great use of Captain Picard. That was me on the couch.
This was a should have won game. UNC gave it to us and we didn't take it.
Dorsett didnt drop that ball it was batted down. It was clear pass interference against Dorsett on the replay. He was hit before the ball was intercepted.
couple of thoughts from section 427:
- as pointed out above and in other threads, this offensive "creativity" is frustrating at best. i think it confuses our team more than the opposing defense. too cute, no rhythm, etc. and surprisingly enough, despite our grab bag approach to offense, there is a surprising amount of predictability within the formations. at least 2 or three times yesterday we trotted out 3 TEs (dye, walford and cleveland i think) on the same side, motioned them across the formation, and then did a toss play to duke. if i know what play is coming from the upper deck of the stadium without any scouting, i'm pretty sure UNC will also. and on that note, too many cute tosses and sweeps to duke with ****** blocking that get blown up before they get started.
- if dorsett is featherstone, then the remaining receivers/TEs took turns being "hot hands" hanon. it was nice of them to share the drops yesterday.
- why do we consistently run routes short of the 1st down marker on 4th down.
- my friend said it best - UNC played dumb yesterday. and we didn't do anything about it
- while we did see some improvement yesterday, our defense reminds me of al pacino's rant at the end of devil's advocate: bend but don't break, break but don't shatter, shatter but don't disintegrate, etc. we are not good at stopping teams, obviously, as evidence by teams only punting about twice per game against us. i said at half time that if we decided to not let bernard **** all over us the second half, we would need to capitalize on those opportunities. we promptly proceeded to get several surprising stops in the third quarter which we countered with even more impressive 3 and outs or ****** drives.
- what made matters worse yesterday, not only did we display our usual (this year) defensive lapses of guys out of position, but we sprinkled in some of our previous years poor tackling. way to many guys fell by the wayside as bernard got whatever he wanted.
- as for tackling, you know a DP tackle when it happens. great form, the player goes from hit to ground. EJ makes plays. he's special. Paul ends with good tackle stats, but in my opinion has shown to only make plays that are expected. if you string him out wide, he struggles. but overall, the LBs are clearly the bright spot on our defense.