Quarterback Offer Rewind c/o 2014 Malik Rosier

Roman Marciante
4 min read
Long before he placed a dagger in Seminole nation's heart with a surgical strike to Darrell Langham, Malik Rosier was a thee sport athlete at Faith Academy in Mobile, Alabama. The 5,451st rated prospect for the 2014 cycle would eventually become the QB #1 at Miami. CanesinSight operates in throwback mode for this edition of Quarterback Offer Rewind.

Malik Rosier HUDL

Footwork/Rhythm Footwork noted to be inconsistent. Balls thrown to his right show an increased propensity of not stepping in line with his target and flying open. Rosier creates arm drag as a result. Needs to square up his shoulders in the direction of his throw. Front stride distance inconsistent on similar throws. When in rhythm, shows potential to get the ball out on time and make quick first read throw. Not always a repeated replicated rhythmic entity when unabated to pressure. Rosier noted best when remaining tall, in line and balanced after a throw.

Accuracy Some really impressive balls. Fade balls are placed perfectly despite inconsistent throwing platform. Some downfield corner routes split the safety and CB and arrive to the receiver in ideal catch radius. However note a five yard stop route where a receiver is catching the ball off the turf. High School accuracy total noted at 55%. Arm Strength is good and charted at the 55 yard range at its peak. Shows the potential to make all necessary throws on the field but would not classify Rosier as a power thrower. Arm Mechanics are my biggest concern and Rosier's baseball background is evident here. Wind up thrower and his release is rather long. The combination of an inconsistent footwork base and arm drag noted to work in conjunction and lead to inconsistent mechanical repeatability.

Mobility is my favorite aspect of Rosier's game. He is a tough kid and willing to mix it up with defenders in order to get additional yardage. Rosier rushed for 1301 yards including 17 touchdowns his senior year. Could easily factor at the next level in various QB run concepts. Multiple long touchdown runs noted on film and shows ability to extend plays from within the pocket. Rollout ability is evident on film but he needs to learn the continuation aspect on the back end. No need to stop and throw when receiver is breaking open.

Roman Rank Rosier was the second fiddle to Brad Kaaya in this class and remained his backup for the better part of three years. Where it was evident that Kaaya was clearly the better refined passer and more cerebral diagnostician of the two, Rosier was clearly the one with the most mobile moxie. Rosier's ability to extend plays and factor in the run game was clear from the jump. Ultimately it was that aspect of his game that led to his Hurricane coronation.

In a microcosm of what ultimately became the reality, Rosier's inconsistency as a passer was clearly evident on film. There are some absolute "WOW" throws splitting defenses on this film. Then there are times where he doesn't identify a blitzer and he misses a check down flying open. Another instance of not anticipating a slant route and throwing it late around the goal line. And yes. You can thank your center for a bad snap, but ultimately short hopping a stop route as a result seems a bit over kill compensation.

The genesis now in rear view. Rosier's sights are now fixed upon his senior year as the apparent incumbent when Miami takes the field vs. LSU in Dallas September 2nd. Will this be Rosier's culminating swan song or his unenviable exodus? One thing is for sure, quarterback usurpers are waiting in line if he fails. Plenty of talent has infused Miami's QB room since his arrival. High School Film Recap 3.4 stars

Comments (11)

It would also be cool to highlight his improvements in his mechanics and technique (if there are any)
Great write up! Definitely would like more content from this guy @Roman Marciante

Thanks bud. I've been doing work on the recruiting forum with the qb offer breakdown series. I'll tip hat to Stefan who mentioned in staff that breaking down current qbs would be an ideal vantage point.

Honestly I'm glad he had that idea because you see so many idiosyncrasies Rosier carried forth. It was really a great assignment. I learned a lot from it.

Upcoming I think you'll see these rewind series a little more prevalent in the off season. As the season gets closer I think the x/o stuff will start to fly.

Thanks for the shout out.
thank you for pouring salt in my qb wound! basically, this guy always sucked! his completion % is worse now that in high school. Great!
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The 5,451st rated prospect for the 2014 cycle would eventually become the QB #1 at Miami.

5,451st rated prospect?

I can't believe Bama let him out of the state!