Next Level Academy Celebration

2 min read
My friend and CIS member Brandon is the head of Next Level Academy International. NLA is a charity that partners with schools and non-profit organizations to provide extracurricular activities to the underprivileged. Brandon offers athletic, academic and spiritual programs in one all-inclusive package, using the students' passion for sports as a vehicle for positive growth. Here is a link to the website if you want to learn more or get involved:

Brandon is having a celebration on December 8 to celebrate the charity's one year anniversary. It should be a lot of fun for a good cause. The description and link to sign up is below:

Starting a charity is surprisingly hard. Starting a charity without any financial support is "impossible" as we have been told, but we did anyway. For the past year, the team has been pouring our time, money, and energy into helping the at-risk youth in our communities. We're proud of what we have accomplished, but there is MUCH MORE to be done.

As we acknowledge the work we have completed and take a moment to reflect, we want our friends and family to come and hang out, have a drink, or two... or five on us and learn a little bit more about Next Level Academy International.

There will be FREE food and drinks, including alcoholic drinks, and a DJ as well. Celebrate with us.

We will have apparel for sale, a donation box (if you feel compelled), and 21+ pay-to-play games. So, bring some money and have some fun with us.

Comments (4)

Thanks a lot D. Everyone is more than welcome to come, we've been busting our *** but no one knows who we are and what we do.

Come see what we are doing for the kids... Or just come for the free liquor

These kids need help, this is just my effort to provide that help
Someone needs to invite the Miami beatwriters for all of the local fish wraps as well as all the hot local news/sports hosts.......................publicity is earned and hot women always increase the energy of an event!!!!!!
Someone needs to invite the Miami beatwriters for all of the local fish wraps as well as all the hot local news/sports hosts.......................publicity is earned and hot women always increase the energy of an event!!!!!!
Bro I been blasting people left and right, we too small right now. they don't give a ****. lol