New UM DE commit Roberts talks Paradise Camp, commit status, and more

Stefan Adams
3 min read
Last month, 2020 Columbus (FL) 3-star DE Elijah Roberts committed to the Miami Hurricanes while on campus for UM’s 7-on-7 tournament held for the local high schools.

“I was talking to all the coaches and I realized that they all care about me as a person and as a football player,” Roberts said on his big moment. “It’s a family atmosphere at Miami and my family and I feel like Miami is the best choice for us. The coaches were passionate about brotherhood and very religious and those are things I believe in. I especially like coach (Jess) Simpson, the way he coaches is very intense and very aggressive and I believe that’s a great way to coach.”

And he’ll be getting even more comfortable with coach Simpson very shortly: Roberts plans to be on campus and participate in Paradise Camp next weekend, where he’ll be able to work 1-on-1 with his future position coach. He’s also excited to go up against some of the best talent in South Florida and continue to prove himself on the field.

“I’m most looking forward to working with coach Simpson, he’s a great coach,” said Roberts on Paradise. “Also, every time I get to compete against good competition and show people what I can do is always a plus.”

Who else will be joining Roberts in Coral Gables to compete at Paradise next weekend?

“I’m not sure if any of my teammates are going yet, but I’m sure Denzel Daxon and Samuel Anaele will be there, both of them are really good friends of mine,” Roberts said. “I’m just excited to compete against stiff competition.”

Measuring in at 6’4” 248 right now, the rising junior Roberts is already bigger than a lot of senior defensive ends. With two years left in high school to grow into his body, it is plausible that he could develop into a defensive tackle. So, will he be working on the outside or the inside (or both) at Paradise Camp?

“I haven’t discussed that with them yet, but I plan on getting work at defensive end,” Roberts said. “I would prefer defensive end in college, but I’ll play whatever they ask for me to play.”

When asked about the status of his commitment to UM, Roberts said that he’s been happy with his commitment so far and that “everything’s good right now.” He plans to use Paradise to get to know his 2020 classmates better and Roberts believes big things are in store for Category20 in the future.

“I don’t really know them all personally besides Samuel (Anaele), but on film, we are probably the best 2020 class,” Roberts said. “We will be ready to compete for the national championship when we get there.”

While Roberts has nobody currently in mind that he’s trying to add to the class and enhance Category20, he does have expectations for his freshman season on campus at Miami.

“Just to play as soon as possible and be the best player I can be,” Roberts said. “I want to learn as much as I can.”


Comments (13)

Big kid already for a DE and natural maturation will put him at 270 at least when he graduates. May start off here at DE but with a great S&C he will be 290 or better in 2 years max. Talented kid than will be a plus to the program.
That’s what I’m talking about @Stefan Adams . The masses say, “Hey man WTF, why do we keep getting, “communication has died off”, articles,” and then you drop this gem on us early in the morning. Well ******* played my man. Well ******* played.
BEAST. At camp he only lined up at end and had the quickness and bend suitable to be a Strong side end. Pretty much beat every tackle while i was there. That 2020 DL group should be real good and we might not even leave S.FLA.
The video looks like a bunch of Jr. Varsity kids.
He also plays basketball and is going to be doing shot put and discus this year as well
Definitely sounds like a good athlete, especially on the D-line. Kid is going to be a problem next season for columbus.