Miami to Play South Carolina in Independence Bowl

2 min read
With the conclusion of the college football season it became official. Miami has been selected to face off against South Carolina in the Duck Commander Independence Bowl on December 27th in Shreveport Louisiana.

Miami (6-6) is coming off of 3 straight loses and a season that has angered many Hurricane fans and former players. South Carolina (6-6) comes in after a loss to Clemson and a season where they saw a lot of close games go the other way.

This game will mark the last game we will get to see Denzel Perryman, Phillip Dorsett and likely Duke Johnson as well as a host of other seniors.

Miami playing in a game sponsored by Duck Commander is a small indictment of our season. I have yet to see any comments by Willie or Uncle Si, but I did notice they are now selling LSU duck calls. Something tells me this team won't be walking out of any fish fry this time around.

With one game left for the Hurricanes only a few questions remain. Will Miami coaches be able to get this team up and inspired to play? What coaching changes if any will we see at the conclusion of the game?

It's been a long season..

Comments (8)

With one game left for the Hurricanes only a few questions remain. Will Miami coaches be able to get this team up and inspired to play? What coaching changes if any will we see at the conclusion of the game?

1. No. The past 10 quarters have been disgraceful and a seemingly clear indication that the players have completely tuned out Golden and his used car salesman tactics. Can't blame them.

2. Anything less than Golden being fired is unacceptable and would sink us further into irrelevance. He shouldn't be able to get away with scapegoating a coordinator and a couple assistants to save his own ***, but I put absolutely nothing past our cheap, inept, apathetic, self-sabotaging administration that utterly despises its football program and loyal fans.
we lose in an embarrassing fashion . its guaranteed with goldens tract record. then we have minor coaching changes that the admin and golden think will be sufficient to quiet the fan base. it wont. then a bunch of schools come in and out recruit us. again. we lose more commits. Then we start next season and end with 5 wins. we are a joke. so long as the admin doesn't make the football program a priority, we will continue with the mediocrity.
we lose in an embarrassing fashion . its guaranteed with goldens tract record. then we have minor coaching changes that the admin and golden think will be sufficient to quiet the fan base. it wont. then a bunch of schools come in and out recruit us. again. we lose more commits. Then we start next season and end with 5 wins. we are a joke. so long as the admin doesn't make the football program a priority, we will continue with the mediocrity.

Agreed! But I don't understand the Admin's disdain since all the other big time private institutions (Stanford, ND & Vandy) all pride themselves for their football commitments.
There are other towns in Louisiana besides New Orleans and Baton Rouge? And the Canes going to play a weird bowl game there? I knew Al was but, but losing this game will reverberate a cry for his firing like nothing he's seen. The affect of a loss will virtually mean mass defection of committed recruits! This ain't gonna be good, although SC sucks.
An opinion is an opinion.
I don't know why, though, some posters feel they have to think for the recruits out there.
we do not have a defense and goldens hanging onto his stooge (so called defensive coord) is a crime against the U. MIAMI cannot return to is former position in college football until these people are gone.PLEASE
we lose in an embarrassing fashion . its guaranteed with goldens tract record. then we have minor coaching changes that the admin and golden think will be sufficient to quiet the fan base. it wont. then a bunch of schools come in and out recruit us. again. we lose more commits. Then we start next season and end with 5 wins. we are a joke. so long as the admin doesn't make the football program a priority, we will continue with the mediocrity.

Agreed! But I don't understand the Admin's disdain since all the other big time private institutions (Stanford, ND & Vandy) all pride themselves for their football commitments.

Not so sure about Vandy. But certainly ND and Standord. But you left the one most like Miami- USC. Unlike Stanford, the Trojans and Canes actually dominated college football at times and live in major cities with professional sports teams. The one difference between Miami and the others is that those schools' success is institutionally and booster driven. THE U was much more a creation of the players with contribution from some coaches. The football program was its own institution and the real reason for fame. Elitist mindset cannot accept a group of kids, mostly black, doing such a thing on their own. It just goes against everything people like Foote and Donna believe in and live for. That is the only reason for their disdain I have ever be able to conclude. It is what made Miami one of a kind.