Lewis 100% cleared

Peter Ariz
Peter Ariz
2 min read
After suffering a horrific ankle injury early last season, sophomore Malcolm Lewis took the practice field today in hopes of building on last year's signs of success.

**On where he is physically and mentally:
“Pretty much I’m ready to play. I’m ready to get back on the field and play again.”

**On if he ever thinks about the play where he was injured:
“I pretty much don’t think about it anymore. I just think of how to better myself and to keep on going and strive to be great.”

**On the 75-yard touchdown he scored in the spring game:
“I think about it a lot because it shows how much Coach Golden appreciates me and shows respect for each and every player out here.”

**On the difference between the first practice this year and last year:
“Mentally, I know what to expect now so it’s pretty much just another regular practice now.”

**On the receivers group:
“We have a bunch of great guys with everyone coming back and ready to play with the right attitude. Everybody’s ready to play.”

**On the offense’s expectations:
“We have goals to meet and we just want to meet them. They’re set high so we want to meet our goals.”

**On what he learned from last season’s obstacle:
“Play every down like it’s your last because it can be taken away from you.”

**On when Coach Golden came out to the field and embraced him when he was injured:
“It showed how much he cares for us again and how much he respects all of us personally. He would take all of us in as his own child.”

**On his mother’s thoughts about Golden’s gesture:
“It was touching to her first just to see me on the ground and then to see your coach over there so quick before the training staff.”

**Lewis confirmed that he has been 100% cleared to play.

Interview transcribed off video by hurricanesports

Comments (8)

Happy to see Malcom back. Wish him the best. As for our leader - Golden. He will be the next legendary coach from the []_[]!!!!!
Incredible that he returned from that.

I hope he can be all there mentally this year. An injury like that can really mess with your mind. Need to make sure he takes some good, hard hits in practice just so he knows there is nothing to be afraid of.
Gotta get this kid's mom to help call moms of recruits.
like to see this dude have a monster. will be hard seeing how we are stacked at the position but it will be nice to see him on the field.
Awesome! Really like this guys attitude. Sounds like the team as a whole has bought in to AG's philosophy and they genuinely like and respect Coach G.
I think that scene should be part of the U recruiting video. To me it was the most memorable moment in the last 10 years of Canes football.

Gotta get this kid's mom to help call moms of recruits.
Wonder if we should red shirt him this year with Coley? There will be the possibility of losing 2 of the WR's along with Hurns right? Dorsett and Scott could bolt for the league(if Morris does have a great season)! Just a thought!
Going back to the aftermath of that injury and the scene with Lewis and Golden, Deadspin, of all sites( the most cynical- and funny- lot there is) actually wrote something lauding Golden and his behavior towards his fallen player.

I'll never forget that because they don't do a lot of those kind of stories

Just glad that wasn't a career-ender for Lewis