Jawand Blue - ESPN760 Video

1 min read

Comments (15)

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to WhoDat again.
Although we didn't get Young, I'm glad it means that this kid gets in this year now instead of having to wait.
Hes got those crazy eyes... I like it. I just hope he doesnt kill someone, for real.
Thanks for the video..
No comment on the girl sitting next to him?
Peeps in here slippin..

we got Wesly Snipes...

Golden's the man!
He. He said "came out of the blue."
Kid is 210 pounds. Keeping to the bigger lb pattern
This is what recruiting is all about. Good kid who at the 11th hour had a chance to follow his dream. Nothing wrong here.
This is what recruiting is all about. Good kid who at the 11th hour had a chance to follow his dream. Nothing wrong here.

Absolutely! Great post. What is sad is one of the VT coaches decided to act like a child about the situation and laid into the kid for making the decision that he had always wanted to make.

Glad to have him in orange and green.