Golden speaks: Day 1

Peter Ariz
Peter Ariz
3 min read
Miami Head Coach Al Golden addressed the media on the first day of fall camp today.

**How do you keep from giving the guys too much, too fast?
“It’s gonna be a good tempo. What we’re learning more – from a safety standpoint – is that you don’t need seven, eight, nine days to get them in shape here. They’re coming in shape and they’ve made a commitment year-round, not just our place, but everywhere as student-athletes these days so we really pick up from where we were in the spring and to what degree is determined by what they did over the summer.

**Can you get a feel of how things are going to go from the first few meetings?
“We didn’t have anybody not pass the test (conditioning) for the first time we’ve been here. We went from having half the team not pass the first year to nobody (failing). The culture is changing and the fact that they’re embracing it and just their attitude. They demolished it, I mean literally just absolutely crushed it so it’s a good feeling and I know they feel like they killed it.”

**On what Stephen Morris’ leadership means to the team:
“It’s invaluable. Stephen and Shayon (Green) have been named captains and again I don’t mean to diminish anyone else who is a leader on the team because we have a great number of them and we’re grateful for that, but clearly those two have distinguished themselves as leaders and not just guys who do their jobs everyday, but as guys who people will follow and obviously their number one job is to accomplish the mission and they’re doing that.”

**In what ways has Morris helped out the younger guys on the team?
“I just think he sets a standard and helps everybody around him meet that standard. He involves everybody – it doesn't matter who you are – he’ll reach out to you if you want to catch balls or run routes. He’ll grab you at night, on the weekend, whatever the case may be.”

**On if he had any part in the layout of the new facilities:
“I think what we wanted to do was make sure that there’s a standard here at the University of Miami and that it’s evident in everything that we do and I think we’re heading in that track. Hopefully when you guys come back next Friday for the Canes Correspondents lunch, you’ll get a chance to go through it, see the inside, and really see our fingerprints, see our DNA. I think it’s important that this standard that you see out here with these players and championships is something that our guys see everyday.”

Transcribed from video at

Comments (5)

Only 3 more Saturdays 'til some Canes football.
Trust the Tie!! Should be a great season. I've been hearing good stuff about Shayon Green lately so hopefully he steps up this season and becomes a solid d-lineman.
Only 3 more Saturdays 'til some Canes football.

Great, ain't it. Seems like we've had more offseason activity than in most years with all the recruiting/commitments and (insert the "four letter word here) anticipation. But it will be good to see this team start the season.
Didn't everybody pass the conditioning test last year?