From the Perch- Georgia Tech

Roman Marciante
8 min read
Although N'Kosi Perry finished the night 14-23 for 60% passing on the night, the Hurricanes lost its fourth straight. This is the third four game losing streak in the Mark Richt era and offense once again is the proud catalyst. InSight will activate its "Dead Eye" while breaking down film in honor of Red Dead Redemption Two's release. Coach Richt's play calling might be missing the mark but we sure won't. Saddle up partners.

We are going to highlight a couple plays from the first drive. Miami scored on it's opening possession and it was one of the finer drives of the season. (Although not perfect) Here on a third and ten situation Miami will run a switch concept from Ace Gun 10 set personnel. Perry shows perfect rhythm here but needs to drive his back foot up and through the throw. Perry is not affected by pressure and this is what causes his ball to dip.

GT drops Seven in coverage and GT will go quarters coverage in the secondary. Posts are quarters killers (especially twins 88's) One thing I do not like however is the fact Miami runs the switch mirrored from opposite sides. The X/Z receivers both run posts and will literally shake hands with one another when the play is done. Miami needs to change this concept to an NCAA combo. X go, Z dig. That way you are stretching more of the defense out. Pointless to have two wide receivers in the same area on this concept.

Miami will now run a play action level concept from 21 set personnel. Nice play action pistol fake and it is simply a high low read. Perry shows you plenty of arm strength and I feel his backside is not clamping him off like the previous throw. The throw is in perfect trajectory and doesn't dip as a result and this is a brilliant ball. Jordan is covered underneath and this is the right read to hit the high man.

Later on in plus territory Miami will run a counter off the jet sweep motion. We mentioned last week that Duke would run blitz off the jet sweep motion and so would GT on this play. Miami needs to keep teams honest moving forward because this play should have been a loss. DeeJay Dallas shows good athleticism and runs for the first down. I am a fan of implementing a post snap RPO on this because you could see how incredibly wide open a slant would be here.

Mark Richt is an offense of very seldom moving parts. (Other than the HB shift late to hide the run strength) When the offense actually does have a moving part teams notice it. When you run the same concepts over and over when you move that part teams will crash you like this.

Again this week Miami had an over reliance on a hand full of third down plays. Despite being a very good 9-15 on third downs this week, they make things harder on themselves. Stop me if you have heard this before, but Miami needs to come up with a plus 2 ideology or RPO to take advantage of an open receiver off the line. Look at how many GT defenders crash the HB dive. Look how open a quick pop pass/bubble is to the slot. Miami did not convert.

This play was very highly publicized because Brevin Jordan was open by seemingly 40 yards down the middle of the field. One thing in Perry's defense and indictment on Richt, this is a play fake to the the pistol back on 3rd and 8. Are you really fooling a defense in that situation on that style of play action? I am a fan of play action, even on third, but sell a third down run like a draw or dive. By having Perry's back turned you cut down his ability to survey the field.

I timed the interval between Perry turning his head after the play fake and his decision to throw the ball at .79 seconds. Not really much you can do in terms of field reading in that time interval. This leads me to believe that Perry made this a pre-snap determined throw and for good reason. Perry was getting pressure down main street and could not fully transfer his weight through the throw because of pressure.

Hey we called for this Cane's fans. A tunnel screen to Thomas. Problem is this was so poorly coached and executed. The greater threat to the play was the inside wall defender attached to the # 3 wide receiver. (Plus I am not a fan of the spacing) You either need to block him first or not delay from the offensive line position. The Hurricanes do neither and it's a shame to. This play was going to go for a big gain. You will see when the offensive line does not delay in a second example how much more effective the screen is.

After Thomas had a great punt return and a failed run attempt on third down, Richt calls an all Vertical concept. You will see just how much cushion the DB's are giving Perry and this play has no shot from the jump. He has to drop his eyes because literally there is Zero chance to get guys open down field. I want to highlight a beautiful play by the linebacker to "bait" the running lane. By taking his route away and back to the middle of the LOS he is able to make the play. Good stuff.

Last clip of the week and it shows an absolute rifle by Perry. It is on the switch combo which was called MULTIPLE times this game with varying degree of success. Honestly if it wasn't for Perry's arm talent and mobility, Miami would have not scored on this drive. Richt called the same switch combo on the 95 yard scoring drive three times and mixed in all verticals twice.

In closing, this is a critical juncture of Miami Hurricane football and ultimately the deciding point of Miami's future. Five years ago after Golden's third season, there was a recommendation for staff changes and ultimately the calling for Mark D'Onofrio's job as defensive coordinator. Athletic Director Blake James did not interfere and gave full autonomy to Golden on staff decisions and I think we remember how that ended.

History will repeat itself if Miami does not hire an offensive coordinator. It is simply embarrassing to average 15 points per game vs the likes of Virginia, Duke, Boston College and Georgia Tech. It is embarrassing to see the same play calls over and over again with so little diversification from week to week. Ultimately it is embarrassing to blame these kids on execution when it is increasingly difficult to execute in an offense that fools no one.

ESPN color commentator Dan Orlovsky seemed to echo yesterday what InSight has been saying for weeks. “They are stationary before the snap,” Orlovsky said. “If you are not using presnap motions, you’re behind the times.” "They've got to find a way to get in touch with some modern day offensive creativity." ESPN then posting a stat that Mark Richt has had only ONE top twenty offense in 18 years was a further sobering indictment. Simply, the offensive game has passed Richt by and by a long shot.

Ultimately Miami will have some soul searching to do and some uncomfortable decisions to make in the off season. The meteoric rise and 15-0 hysteric run has been pulverized and negated to a disappointing dust that has covered Miami fans entirely. You take into consideration it took a few lucky bounces to go Miami's way and you realize strongly that Miami was a lucky team last year. They really weren't that good. The offense wasn't anyways. FSU fist half, UNC, Pitt, Clemson anyone?

All hope is not lost. Miami has a good CEO in place who has elevated the programs infrastructure. Miami has a proven DC who has exceeded all expectations this year. If only they can fix that other side of the ball. If only they can embrace ingenuity and design and realize in every field "The old school will eventually become the old fool." Because Mark Richt right now you look foolish. Time to adapt this offense. Time to look towards to tomorrow. Honestly, you have no other choice.

Comments (7)

All hope is not lost. Miami has a good CEO in place who has elevated the programs infrastructure. Miami has a proven DC who has exceeded all expectations this year. If only they can fix that other side of the ball.
If a "good" CEO has only decent defense and horrific offense, special teams, player motivation, preparedness, discipline, etc, etc....then I'd hate to see what a bad one looks like.

p.s. why do so many ignore the abysmal special teams play and say only O needs fixing?
One thing in Perry's defense and indictment on Richt, this is a play fake to the the pistol back on 3rd and 8. Are you really fooling a defense in that situation on that style of play action? I am a fan of play action, even on third, but sell a third down run like a draw or dive. By having Perry's back turned you cut down his ability to survey the field.

Great great point.
Informative, thanks. For the record, I think James does the same thing with Richt that he did with Golden. He leaves personnel to CMR and there will be no changes.
I feel Perry, given better coaching and receivers, can win many games for us.

First thing is he needs Richt to stop pulling him from games and allow NKosi to feel comfortable as the starter.
Then he needs a real OC and QB coach this offseason. Help Perry read coverages.
Of course a decent offensive line would do wonders as well.
@Roman Marciante "All hope is not lost. Miami has a good CEO in place who has elevated the programs infrastructure. Miami has a proven DC who has exceeded all expectations this year.".

This is probably how the BOT and James sees things. CMR is a former player, a good solid man that will always do the right thing. A safe CEO and a good public face of the program.

Hiring an OC was forced on CMR at Georgia and it was a disaster. If he agrees to release Brown from the OC title and hire an up and coming OC....the key is to allow CMR to hand pick the new OC, within some suggestions/parameters as to what the new OC should bring to the table. CMR believes in creating a cohesive long lasting staff.

What title does Jon take so he respectfully lands on his feet and the family is close by is a key item as well.

With the early commit dates in December, this move/decision has to be done and pre-planned prior the the Pitt game.