Christmas City

Dan E. Dangerously
Dan E. Dangerously
5 min read

On this Christmas Eve, I bring forth gifs, frankincense, and derp to go along with some links to tide you over the holidays.

After straining to squeeze out enough information as I could in the last link city, it seemed only natural that some real news actually happened the very next day when George McDonald bolted for Arkansas of all places. I thought Deon Bush's take on the whole situation was particularly poignant:


Me too - wait, wrong one:


Indeed Deon. He did, in fact, slid.

This topic has been talked about at length all week in countless threads and many a post has already been made about possible replacements. So I'll just say I want Bill McNulty and there's no reasoning with me. George Harrison sums that up for me.


The Herald's Susan Miller-Degnan has a good piece on the 5 underclassmen who left early to go to the NFL. Or as Golden put it, "...left for 20 cents on the dollar". She asks them all about the differences between the life of a college player to that of an NFL player, how their seasons are going, and if they have any regrets about not using all of their eligibility. Some of the more telling quotes:

Marcus Forston said:
It was never my intention to stay at UM for five years.

Brandon Washington said:
I’m very happy,” Washington said. “All I ever wanted was an opportunity, and I’m not too far from that opportunity. Now that I’m in the league, I see how it works. It’s a numbers game. I could be a play away from someone being injured and me becoming active. I’m just waiting for my moment, and getting better every day.

Tommy Streeter said:
As a dad, I wanted him to come back for another year,” Tommy Streeter Sr. said. “I just feel like he had more things left on the field. But I wasn’t disappointed, because he did what I asked him to do. He went to college and got his degree.

Lamar Miller said:
I had talked to my mom and dad and pretty much had made up my mind to turn pro by about Week 10 last season,” said Miller...

Olivier Vernon said:
Coach Golden had his new rules, and I was used to coach [Randy] Shannon’s ways,” Vernon said. “New coaches are going to implement all their rules and try to weed everybody out on a team that’s not following the program.

Favorite Susan Miller-Degnan photoshop:



Golden feels the players mentioned above all got bad information from agents, and the fact they got drafted so late backs him up. The Palm Beach-Post's Jorge Milian has good article on Miami's new agent policy. Basically players have to schedule a meeting with agents that take place on campus and in the presence of the head coach and/or athletic director. They can be suspended if they violate this rule. I've discussed this policy before when it became public knowledge here. It's basically UM's way of showing the NCAA how much better they are at monitoring players actions with regard to agents. Whatever, hope it works.

Today was pretty boring until some Nole that works at the Herald tweeted this:


It sent the interwebz into a tizzy. Miami fans were either freaking out about how Butch was going "take over" down here. More level-headed people noted that this was bad news for USF, UCF, and Louisville...schools known for taking the snouts and pig feet that the Big 3 don't want. A Butch Davis coached FIU would become so good they might win back to back Sun-Belt titles...just like Mario did. There were rumors of this not long ago, but it seemed like it had died down...guess not. Butch would be replacing Miami alum Mario Cristobal, who was fired 3 weeks ago because T.Y. Hilton graduated.

But then we got word that Butch isn't the coach:


Or is he?



This is crazy. No clue what's going on. I'm still trying to wrap my head around what this could mean for Miami, recruiting in the South Florida area, and...

217.gif sleepy. What was I talking about again? Oh well. Whatever, it was it couldn't have been that important.

Gif of the day:


Official Christmas carol for Link City (NSFW-Language):


Comments (14)

Glad you were able to stay awake long enough to finish your post. Although, that chipmunk looks a lot like the one that attacked my cousin Guiseppe on Christmas Eve 2003. Thanks for reminding me of the horror.
Just an FYI...FIU will be playing in Conference USA.
Originally Posted by Lamar Miller
I had talked to my mom and dad and pretty much had made up my mind to turn pro by about Week 10 last season,” said Miller...

Abput the time you mailed itin Lamar
Originally Posted by Olivier Vernon
Coach Golden had his new rules, and I was used to coach [Randy] Shannon’s ways,” Vernon said. “New coaches are going to implement all their rules and try to weed everybody out on a team that’s not following the program.

Originally Posted by Lamar Miller
I had talked to my mom and dad and pretty much had made up my mind to turn pro by about Week 10 last season,” said Miller...

Abput the time you mailed itin Lamar

There was some chatter at the time that Lamar mailed it in after the Duke game. IIRC, he got a little beat up in the middle of October, and by the start of November he was okie dokie'ing it.
Originally Posted by Olivier Vernon
Coach Golden had his new rules, and I was used to coach [Randy] Shannon’s ways,” Vernon said. “New coaches are going to implement all their rules and try to weed everybody out on a team that’s not following the program.


Translation: The party was over