Comments (10)

Good interview D$. Right in line with most fans thinking.
Seriously, you appear to be a rational guy - even when they baited you with the D'Onofrio question. That's somewhat unusual in 2014.
Seriously, you appear to be a rational guy - even when they baited you with the D'Onofrio question. That's somewhat unusual in 2014.

Thanks for posting Dmoney, great way to rep the UM Family.

Here is an example of what Dmoney was referencing when he said Donofrio is running Al Goldens defense.

This is a video of UVA from 2004 which was Al Golden's last year as Def Coor at UVA. Notice how the defense is identical to what UM is running a decade later with virtually now change, which is slightly disturbing considering the upgrade in talent they have access to at Miami.

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I think everyone on the planet knows D'Onofrio is running Golden's defense.

What isn't understandable is why people think that firing D'Onofrio will change anything. That is, unless people think the defense will work, but D'Onofrio doesn't know how to run it.
I think everyone on the planet knows D'Onofrio is running Golden's defense.

What isn't understandable is why people think that firing D'Onofrio will change anything. That is, unless people think the defense will work, but D'Onofrio doesn't know how to run it.

The 3-4 scheme can work we just AG run a more aggressive style rather than the bend but don't break style. The Def Coor ( Dave Aranda) from Wisconsin would be ideal and he is in the last year of his contract so there would be no buyout needed for him to come to Miami for $500k. Oh man how this guy would be a game changer!

Here is an article where Dave Aranda outlines his defensive philosophy, which work instantly at Miami.

But lets see how both AG and D'onofrio do with upgraded talent this year, since they both know this very likely is D'onofrio's last year at UM unless they win the ACC at minimum. I am pulling for coach to pull it together and shock the world while starting a another UM Dynasty.

Go Canes


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Seriously, you appear to be a rational guy - even when they baited you with the D'Onofrio question. That's somewhat unusual in 2014.

Thanks for posting Dmoney, great way to rep the UM Family.

Here is an example of what Dmoney was referencing when he said Donofrio is running Al Goldens defense.

This is a video of UVA from 2004 which was Al Golden's last year as Def Coor at UVA. Notice how the defense is identical to what UM is running a decade later with virtually now change, which is slightly disturbing considering the upgrade in talent they have access to at Miami.

thats depressing i just fast forwarded to a random point in that video and saw the fresno running back ripping off 8 and 9 yard runs just like in the duke game
the 3-4 should never be a bend but don't break defense. the 3-4 is all about chaos. filling up the box to stop runs and getting to the qb so quick he can't get a decent pass off.
I think everyone on the planet knows D'Onofrio is running Golden's defense.

What isn't understandable is why people think that firing D'Onofrio will change anything. That is, unless people think the defense will work, but D'Onofrio doesn't know how to run it.

The 3-4 scheme can work we just AG run a more aggressive style rather than the bend but don't break style. The Def Coor ( Dave Aranda) from Wisconsin would be ideal and he is in the last year of his contract so there would be no buyout needed for him to come to Miami for $500k. Oh man how this guy would be a game changer!

Here is an article where Dave Aranda outlines his defensive philosophy, which work instantly at Miami.

But lets see how both AG and D'onofrio do with upgraded talent this year, since they both know this very likely is D'onofrio's last year at UM unless they win the ACC at minimum. I am pulling for coach to pull it together and shock the world while starting a another UM Dynasty.

Go Canes


You should never be married to a scheme- Especially when you don't have the personnel to run the scheme! All defenses and offenses for that matter, should use elements of multiple schemes. You should have a base, but no coach in modern football should stick with that base. Defenses and offenses should be adaptable to quickly respond to game circumstances and the players know what to do when that happens. The old Nebraska and Oklahoma teams found that out the hard way. Urban Myer at gayters found that out his last 3 seasons at florida. He found that out "again" against Clemson. Saban trying to get the rules changed because he head strong about doing his thing without adapting, thus his defensive woes when facing teams with "equal talent" spread set offenses ( all the way back to losses to Utah). Fact is many of the powerhouse teams are winning because they are winning the recruiting battle, just have a lot more better players. Bama and LSU have put cats in the league, but have their cats performed in the NFL like past Canes have? **** No! That's because you look a hellava lot better when you on a team with more top talent. Adaptability is the key for successful companies and coaches. Sears and Kmart couldn't adapt and Walmart did and we see the results! Feel me? The changes have to be top to bottom, meaning the Administration, AD, Boosters and coaching staffs have to adapt to meet the rapidly changing atmosphere in college sports. Let nobody fool you, if the plan you begin with doesn't work you better be able to quickly, I mean quickly adapt. Ask the Miami Heat? Don't be married to a system or personnel!
I think everyone on the planet knows D'Onofrio is running Golden's defense.

What isn't understandable is why people think that firing D'Onofrio will change anything. That is, unless people think the defense will work, but D'Onofrio doesn't know how to run it.

And he was not firing D'Onofrio without giving him a chance with better talent. Right, wrong or otherwise, it was not happening.