Brennan Carroll Tidbits

3 min read
..some recruiting tidbits from BC!

Even with a busy season going on Carroll and the coaching staff is putting in as much time as possible with recruiting.
“If we’re not working on a football-specific game plan, then we’re recruiting,â€￾ Carroll said.
“Our days are quite full. There’s never enough time for recruiting so you keep fighting for ways to make time.â€￾
Unlike the previous regime, this staff has placed an emphasis on attending high school games during the season.

It can be a grind, but the staff has been receptive to its duties of seeing kids in action.
“It’s hard, but it’s our job,â€￾ Carroll said. “Our guys love to do it and have a great attitude about it. And our current players
have been great when we’ve brought kids in on official visits they have been great helping hosting the kids. It’s a full program effort.â€￾

Although he’s only been at UM for 10 months, he can already pick up on the differences in recruiting at the two schools.
“It’s great not having a school (UCLA) 13 miles away from you constantly berating it,â€￾ Carroll said. “It’s good that there’s a little
separation between the schools. Miami is a Miami town. They love their home team. The last place I was at, it was split right down the middle.â€￾

The UM staff has made it a point of emphasis in reaching out to the high school coaches in the area to make sure they develop a relationship with them.
“The coaches have been amazing,â€￾ Carroll said. “We’ve gotten to hold some scrimmages at some local fields. We’ve gotten out to talk
to coaches because we’re not allowed to talk to kids in person until December. The coaches have been phenomenal and we’ve tried
in incorporate them as much as we can with what we do. They’ve gotten to come to a lot of games, practices, and get to be around
us a little bit. We’ve gotten a great response from what we know. That’s really the core of it all is having the coaches understand
what we’re about and what our program is about.â€￾

The previous staff did not believe in bringing in official visitors during the season the past two years, but Carroll said they are not
against the notion of having visitors during the season. “It will be whatever we need to do,â€￾ Carroll said.
“We like to spend more time with them meaning after the season when we don’t have the game prep, but we’ll bring kids in during the season too.
It’s whatever the situation needs.â€￾

Comments (15)

What's the difference between and Official Visit and an Unofficial Visit. I am guessing 1 thing is that the university pays for the tickets, food and room. Outside of that what else is entailed?
What's the difference between and Official Visit and an Unofficial Visit. I am guessing 1 thing is that the university pays for the tickets, food and room. Outside of that what else is entailed?

I'm pretty sure the only difference between an official and unofficial is the university paying for the visit (official). Unofficial visits the kids have to pay for everything.
You are correct!

What's the difference between and Official Visit and an Unofficial Visit. I am guessing 1 thing is that the university pays for the tickets, food and room. Outside of that what else is entailed?

I'm pretty sure the only difference between an official and unofficial is the university paying for the visit (official). Unofficial visits the kids have to pay for everything.
For all the work Golden and his staff are reportedly putting in, I really want to see some immediate returns and see the fruits of this labor. There are lots of bridges that need to be rebuilt and a brand that needs to be refurbished that will take some time, but we need the honeymoon class to be well ranked with copious talent to infuse into the program.
Agree with Larry. As thin as this team is now, we need live bodies that can play TODAY, which is why I'm assuming they're looking at quite a few JUCO kids.
we need some juco contributors...and some stud freshman..(i'd like to see them on the defensive side of the ball to be honest)..
..some recruiting tidbits from BC!

The previous staff did not believe in bringing in official visitors during the season the past two years, but Carroll said they are not
against the notion of having visitors during the season. “It will be whatever we need to do,” Carroll said.
“We like to spend more time with them meaning after the season when we don’t have the game prep, but we’ll bring kids in during the season too.
It’s whatever the situation needs.”

Probably one of the better things for that staff; they needed to concentrate as much on the games as possible plus with the way our attendance is, it's probably better if they dont come during the season.
..some recruiting tidbits from BC!

The previous staff did not believe in bringing in official visitors during the season the past two years, but Carroll said they are not
against the notion of having visitors during the season. “It will be whatever we need to do,” Carroll said.
“We like to spend more time with them meaning after the season when we don’t have the game prep, but we’ll bring kids in during the season too.
It’s whatever the situation needs.”

Probably one of the better things for that staff; they needed to concentrate as much on the games as possible plus with the way our attendance is, it's probably better if they dont come during the season.

Glad I'm not the only one who thought that lol. I just didn't want to go all Dandycane on ya'll.

You can't invite a kid fresh off a visit from Clemson or Bama or Auburn or UF or FSU and bring them to a Miami game...just don't work like that.
All this talk about what the previous staff did or didn't believe in or bringing in recruits during the season is meaningless. It's put up or shut up time for Golden. You've seen the comarison to these championship coaches like saban. Golden needs to bring some impact guys in year two plain and simple like these other championship coaches did.
What's consistently missing from recruiting discussions on here these days is that all of the other coaches will be hot and heavy on the trail after bowl season. THAT is when I expect us to lose a couple commits. Perhaps that's another reason why coach Golden is trying to get as many early enrollees as possible.

Recruiting in general is kind of a crap shoot. Time will tell but its clear that coach Golden and staff take a professional approach to what they are doing. I have to believe that will produce some kind of positive results, even if it doesnt produce a bunch of 4-5 star commits.
Gonna take a lot of work. Nice job.
Yep. Nice to see this staff making an effort to rebuild relationships with local programs. Didn't RS once make a comment to the effect of "we only want to recruit kids from winning programs"? As if a quality athlete couldn't possibly play on a high school team with a losing record.
Gonna take a lot of work. Nice job.
Yep. Nice to see this staff making an effort to rebuild relationships with local programs. Didn't RS once make a comment to the effect of "we only want to recruit kids from winning programs"? As if a quality athlete couldn't possibly play on a high school team with a losing record.

All you have to do is look at the roster and see Miami had kids from teams with losing records. That's was just Shannon tryng to spice up a silly thought yet the concept is valid. Pretty obvious he didn't follow it to a T. Not even close.
Gonna take a lot of work. Nice job.
Yep. Nice to see this staff making an effort to rebuild relationships with local programs. Didn't RS once make a comment to the effect of "we only want to recruit kids from winning programs"? As if a quality athlete couldn't possibly play on a high school team with a losing record.

All you have to do is look at the roster and see Miami had kids from teams with losing records. That's was just Shannon tryng to spice up a silly thought yet the concept is valid. Pretty obvious he didn't follow it to a T. Not even close.

He didn't always recruit from winning programs either..
