Article: Random Thought: MWC...Time for new leadership?

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Comments (18)

If the NCAA had brain one they would have settled with us.

They got in the sack with the likes of Shapiro, MEP and ride a wave of sensational press, they got sucked in by Shaprio's scheme to bring the U down.

Instead, thanks to the like of Julie (La Roach) and Naijir, Shapiro's schem is gonna be the final straw that brings the NCAA down.

There is a God.
hahahha..... hope thats how this turns out... wish thats how it turns out... not 100% sure... maybe 90%
I doubt it, but one can hope that this is the tip of an iceberg that will sink the NCAA. I wonder if there are similar conversations ongoing, within other conferences.
Never going to happen. The NCAA is the lapdog of the major conferences like the SEC and Big 10. They let those schools mostly skate, while trying to hammer private schools like UM and USC. The NCAA will stay in business because they are they cater to the big powers in college football.
Never going to happen. The NCAA is the lapdog of the major conferences like the SEC and Big 10. They let those schools mostly skate, while trying to hammer private schools like UM and USC. The NCAA will stay in business because they are they cater to the big powers in college football.

Create a better lapdog and the world will beat a path to your door
Never going to happen. The NCAA is the lapdog of the major conferences like the SEC and Big 10. They let those schools mostly skate, while trying to hammer private schools like UM and USC. The NCAA will stay in business because they are they cater to the big powers in college football.

Penn State disagrees.
I'd love to see the NCAA burn, but I'm wary that without the NCAA, the SEC will get out of control with paying players and effectively become a full professional football conference.
I'd love to see the NCAA burn, but I'm wary that without the NCAA, the SEC will get out of control with paying players and effectively become a full professional football conference.

Hey bomba...

And what's the difference today?

This was strategically leaked for a reason. The NCAA is on it's last legs. The D-1 schools will have another governing body five years from now.
I'd love to see the NCAA burn, but I'm wary that without the NCAA, the SEC will get out of control with paying players and effectively become a full professional football conference.

You're thinking abotu this wrong.

The NCAA makes it harder for folks to compete with the SEC. It's like every regulatory agency in existence. It ends up being 'captured' by the big companies it regulates, who then use the regulations to try to make it harder for smaller businesses to compete with them.
Where the **** are Tex's actual thoughts?
Never going to happen. The NCAA is the lapdog of the major conferences like the SEC and Big 10. They let those schools mostly skate, while trying to hammer private schools like UM and USC. The NCAA will stay in business because they are they cater to the big powers in college football.

Penn State disagrees.

Penn State was the PERFECT cover for the NCAA. Think about it. The POPE couldnt have saved Penn State. Pretty much everyone outside the state of PA wanted Penn State to BURN for that disaster, and it went all the way to the very TOP of the University. The Penn State situation LET the NCAA have an EASY shot to hammer one of the sacred cow schools, so they can say "See we go after everyone". The point is, the NCAA has NO interest to go after those schools, they only hit the cash cows when they have NO other choice, they go after schools like UM and USC with GUSTO because they are easy targets.
The NCAA is an SEC offshoot at this point. Todd McNair's lawsuit is what really will kill them. They basically made up lies to have an excuse to take USC out of the picture.
Where the **** are Tex's actual thoughts?

Hey Noah...

Lol! Anyone who knows me can tell you that I'm an antagonist when it comes to the ncaa (national colleges against athletes). It's been like this for more than forty years, only it's gotten worse. I don't want to use the word "hate" but if I did, I could not think of a better subject.

I don't know who decided to make you a mod, and have you "write" articles on your "thoughts"....but it was a mistake.
The NCAA is an SEC offshoot at this point. Todd McNair's lawsuit is what really will kill them. They basically made up lies to have an excuse to take USC out of the picture.

They're going to settle to avoid discovery there, imO. #coverup