Article: Primer for Canes Tennis

3 min read
The Miami Hurricanes men’s tennis team has a long list of accomplishments in college tennis; a NCAA-record 137 consecutive team wins, a win-loss record of 1352-309-5 for a winning percentage of 0.81, 23 NCAA appearances (since 1977), 28 All-Americans, two NCAA Championship runner-up finishes, four NCAA singles championships and two NCAA doubles championships. Since 1930, they have had only seven losing seasons.

The tennis team was started by Gardner Mulloy in 1930. Mulloy had a football scholarship but after an injury, he asked University of Miami president Bowman Ashe to start a tennis program. He was the head coach for the team from 1935 to 1943 and also 1947 and the team’s record under his guidance was an amazing 725-2. Back in those days, the team stayed mostly on the east coast and did not get the opportunity to play the powerhouse teams in California. Regardless, Mulloy’s record as head coach was simply amazing.

The men’s team’s biggest era of success was from 1947 to 1964. During this time, the Canes won 72 consecutive matches, lost once and then won a NCAA-record 137 consecutive matches. Before 1977, the NCAA Championship was decided by the record of the players in the singles and doubles tournaments so there was no team competition to determine the champion. If that had been the case, the Canes may have a few championship trophies of their own displayed in the Schwartz Center.

The modern form of the NCAA Championships started in 1977 and the Canes have had 23 appearances, and their best result has been five Sweet Sixteen finishes. Before 1977, Miami finished as runner-up for the NCAA Championshipin 1965 and 1975, losing out in points both times to UCLA.

The Canes have had 28 All-Americans in their history. The last Cane to win the honor is Carl Sundberg in 2008. This year’s freshmen Piotr Lomacki could be the next.

Against in-state rivals Florida and Florida State, the Canes have an overwhelming lead in their head-to-head records. Against the Gators, the Canes are 47-18-1. The Seminoles have fared no better, with the Canes leading their rivalry 46-19.

The Canes have also been successful on the pro tour as well. Gardnar Mulloy won five Grand Slam titles and three Davis Cups as well as rising to No. 5 in the world rankings. Pancho Segura, who won three consecutive NCAA singles championships, also rose to No. 1 in the professional world rankings. Pieter Aldrich won two Grand Slam doubles titles and was the Year-End No. 1 doubles player in 1990. Eddie Dibbs won 22 ATP tour titles and rose to No. 5 in the World Rankings.

The recent Canes have fallen on hard times a bit, finishing out of the top 50 the last three season and missing out of four of the last five NCAA Championships. This year’s freshmen were ranked No. 8 in the class recruiting rankings so hopefully Coach Mario Rincon has turned things around and will get the Canes back up to where they belong.

Comments (7)

All this talk about mult-million $$$ buyouts and Athletic Department budgets and costs leads to one sad fact: Even as just an equivelncy scholorship sport with, as you described, a rich history, 'Canes Men's Tennis would probably be the sport Miami dropped if they went to the NCAA minimum of six men's teams with two same sport/different gender team squads (Basketball, Track and Field) to save money. Title IX and the need to offset the 85 headcount football scholarships means Rowing, XC and swimming are not in danger, but Men's s tennis could be Miami's wrestling without firm university leadership commitment...Did I just say "firm university leadership commitment" in talking about athletics? LOL!

Here is a link concerning the problem:
I'll be honest. I jump over to that list every once in a while just o check but they are not going to do anything with the men's tennis program as long as Gardnar Mulloy is with us. (Just turned 101 I think.) The day the Canes wipe out the men's team is the day I end my college sports interest.
I'll be honest. I jump over to that list every once in a while just o check but they are not going to do anything with the men's tennis program as long as Gardnar Mulloy is with us. (Just turned 101 I think.) The day the Canes wipe out the men's team is the day I end my college sports interest.

Let's hope he sets the longevity record then...Marky Mark Emmert and his Funky Bunch at the NCAA are complicit in this whole "Bigger is Better, More $$$$ is Better" destruction of college sports. Instead of athletic department budget caps (NCAA version of NBA/NFL/NHL Salary caps) with a per sport minimum and maximum to REALLY prevent a competitive advantage, we have coach buyouts which cost more than a small municipality's annual budget! It is insane and it leads to LESS athletic opportunities at MORE schools.

Didn't get much traction with the below link (my allusion to "Peak Oil" may have been too esoteric), but this short term riches over a long term sustainability path will eventually kill most college sports along with football:
They can pay ******* womens basketball coaches NOT to coach, but they might drop tennis? The U has gone so far to the left, that we will be known as a womesn soccer school by 2020. :(
There's no way they drop men's tennis. Despite not having a national championship yet, there is just too much history and accomplishments for the school to just wipe it out. But it does need to get back up into the Top 40 so it can go to the NCAA tournament on a regular basis again. Coach Mario Rincon has been at Miami 10 years but they've missed the NCAA five of those year now. Gotta turn it around. But I'll be surprised if they make it this year to be honest.
"There's no way they drop men's tennis."

Hope your right; I just get concerned when you throw Title IX and the possible need to reduce negative revenue sports into the athletic budget hopper.
Some wishful thinking and hoping on my part I'll admit, but if Miami gets rid of tennis, then they really in trouble. Looking at the football situation, maybe they already are, but that's another topic.