2020 QB TJ Finley visits UM, discusses Canes

Stefan Adams
5 min read
At the most important position on the field and with so much turnover, it’s essential to take one QB every cycle. While the Canes currently have seven early commitments for the 2020 class, none of them is a signal-caller. Miami has a few offers out to the sophomore class, but one that the coaches have been keeping an eye on is Ponchatoula (LA) QB TJ Finley, and it was his recent big season on the field that has garnered him plenty of interest on the recruiting circuit.

“I led the Metro in passing yards with 2,300 and my top receiver led the Metro in receiving,” Finley said.

Finley was down in Miami competing in the Adidas 7v7 Championships a few weeks ago along with a host of talented prospects and made an impression in leading his team to the semifinals.

“We made it to the semi’s and we lost to a Texas team by one touchdown,” said Finley. “We did good.”

Being down in South Florida afforded Finley the opportunity to visit one of his favorite schools: the Miami Hurricanes. Did he enjoy the trip to campus?

“Yes sir, it was a great environment, a family environment,” Finley said of his UM visit. “They was talking to me, were close to offering me, but I’m still so young being a sophomore. They were saying, ‘Give us some more time to evaluate you’.”

While Finley did not get a chance to interact with any coaches on the visit due to them being out of town, he was able to begin furthering his relationship with Miami’s Director of Player Development, Jorge Baez.

“When I visited the school, all the coaches were on spring break, so I was talking to Mr. Baez,” Finley said. “He was telling me he’s been hearing a lot of good things about me and they’ve been watching my film and all that. That they’ll be in touch when the coaches get back and finish up spring.”

Being from Louisiana, South Florida would be a long way from home for Finley if he were to end up attending UM. But he says there’s just something about the Canes that is drawing him to the 305.

“It’s just a lifestyle. Miami has their own brand,” Finley said. “Not like something you wear, but like style of play. When you think of Miami you think physical, intensity. Miami’s a winning program, they were a powerhouse and now they’re rebuilding it back. Then, talking about the atmosphere of the city, the beach, it’s a great place to be. School-wise, they make sure you know they want you there, they contact you 24/7, they show you that they care.”

Finley currently claims no leaders or top groups, but has plenty of options nearly two years away from his signing day.

“I was recently offered by Louisville,” Finley said. “I got LSU, Alabama, Auburn, Mississippi State, Arkansas, schools like that. Mostly Power 5 schools.”

Would the Canes shoot to the top of that list if he were to receive an offer?

“For sure, they would be right near the top,” Finley said.

The 6’6” 229 pound gunslinger is in no rush to make a decision, and anticipates having his choice ready to announce in August 2019 before his senior season. However, it is clear Finley knows exactly what he wants in a school, and NFL pedigree and a good relationship with his future head coach will be key factors in his ultimate decision.

“First of all, I hope that school has experience putting QB’s in the NFL,” Finley said. “How good the school is at doing that and achieving that task (is important). Also, how the head coach is and how he treats his players. I really don’t care how he talks to players, because everyone needs criticism. Just that you know they care about you.”

Although the recruiting process has already heated up for Finley, many prospects see the biggest jump in attention around their junior season. So, what is Finley looking forward to most in his third year of high school?

“I’m looking forward to having a good year with my teammates,” Finley said. “We don’t look as good offensive line-wise, so we’ve kind of changed our offense to put more RPO’s in to help them out and get the ball out quicker. My receivers, all they have to do is catch the ball and go. I’m just really focusing on my mechanics, staying sharp. Coaches understand that not every high school has DI athletes or people that you can throw it up to and make you look good. So I’m working on the outs, the slants, the digs, dropping it in the bucket, throwing a dime 50 yards downfield on the run, things like that.”


Comments (12)

Whatever happened to the SECOND Pete. I believe his name was "What The ****"..... Guys posted a bunch of gibberish and was then never heard of again!
His school has JV level talent behind the camera. Without support for their AV club, they'll really have a hard time cleaning up their RPO.
He's from LA? pass. no need to leave the state anymore.
Sorry people this video loaded with 5 yard out patterns , we'res the MEAT reminds me of Wayne Peace of the Gator type throws , so far not enough shown , I can see why U hasn't offered yet very obvious.
