2014 commit Gray confident he will qualify

Peter Ariz
Peter Ariz
2 min read
2014 Carol City ATH Trayone Gray was a relatively unknown name before committing to the ‘Canes last month. Since then, he has had to deal with more attention.

“I’ve noticed that if I go certain places that people will mention my name and ask me questions about if I committed and ask for autographs. It kind of caught me off guard. I didn’t know I would blow up like that,” said Gray.

Gray’s mother was surprised when he had initially committed, but he says she is satisfied with his choice.

“She just wanted me to make the best decision for myself not just with football, but academic-wise.”

The Carol City playmaker has not been paying too much attention to Miami’s current recruiting class, but says he will take a look at it soon.

“I just look at trying to get better and I don’t worry about all that other recruiting process stuff. Most likely I’m going to be looking into who is coming in and all that soon. I know Joseph Yearby from playing against him in optimist football.”

Many people who watch Gray mention he is a “football player.” What would Gray himself say separates himself as a top recruit.
“My size because I’m very big for a high school player and also I can move. It doesn’t look like I’m moving that fast, but when you get behind me you see it. I just always make plays.”

There have been recent reports that suggest Gray will not qualify for Miami straight out of high school, but the Miami commitment says not to buy those rumors.

“I feel like I’ll be able to get in because I had this one class that I’ll be done with next week so I will qualify. I don’t know what people are talking about because I will qualify. I’m taking my test in September.”

**Gray will play primarily quarterback for the Chiefs during the season and as of now does not plan on playing defense or receiver.
**He is currently weighing 209 pounds at 6’2”.

Comments (17)

Good **** Pete.
Smh how fast false bad news travels....

6'2 209 sheeeeeeesh keep gaining weight he's going to become a LB not a S even though him and Jamal Carter would be some big beast in the defensive backfield

As always good stuff tito thanks for the info
Chris Stock making stuff up again. Thanks Pete
Thanks for clearing up any rumors Tito, err I mean Arroz.
Find a kid that will admit that his grades suck haha

You can't ask a kid if he think he will qualify....everyone knows what he will say....
How is his name pronounced?

Tray-On? Or Tray Own?
He's a big kid already, can he grow into a LB, or is he a safety all the way.
He's a big kid already, can he grow into a LB, or is he a safety all the way.

Or an Andre Johnson sized WR, but I would like to see him play some Safety this year along with QB.

His future position at Miami IMO will def either be WR or Safety, this kid has the athleticism to keep his speed and be 210-215 and not get switched to LB.
Lets not use Andre Johnson. He doesnt have the speed. I would say maybe David Ausberry (former USC WR. Built like a tank) or Anquan Boldin.

But I want this guy at S unless he just kills it at WR. A rock solid 6'1 220lbs SS would do wonders for us in 2-3 yrs.
Lets not use Andre Johnson. He doesnt have the speed. I would say maybe David Ausberry (former USC WR. Built like a tank) or Anquan Boldin.

But I want this guy at S unless he just kills it at WR. A rock solid 6'1 220lbs SS would do wonders for us in 2-3 yrs.

anquan boldin is a better comparison

You should have asked him if he was open to play safety in college. We need as many athletic playmakers on defense as possible. We are good at WR IMO.