2014 Cali DE Tucker Interested in Miami

Tito Benach
2 min read
2014 DE Olajuwon Tucker has big goals for his Junipero Serra football team, but is focusing on getting better with them this offseason.

“Actually on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays we are working out with the team and then on Sundays I’m working out by myself. I’m trying to get better everyday with the team as well.”

Tucker is moving positions for his team, going from the defensive end to the outside linebacker position. He is focusing on several parts of his game to become more versatile.

“Right now, I’m working on my pass coverage and my drops since I’m moving to outside linebacker. I originally played outside linebacker in Pop Warner so it’s an easier transition.”

The 6’4 225-pound rush end has high expectations for his team this year and is working very hard to achieve them.

“This season were trying to get a state title under our belts and try to go undefeated as well.”

The California native is currently hearing from a fair number of schools and is truly cherishing the recruiting process.

“It’s going great. It’s slowed down lately, but it;s been great.”

Tucker doesn’t mind the consistent calling from coaches and values the opportunity to hear from them.

“I enjoy it because you have to really cherish every moment of it.”

Several schools have checked in on the Junipero Serra product, including Miami, Utah, San Jose State and Washington State. Tucker is heavily interested in the Hurricanes with the both the athletic and academic side of the school.

“Definitely the football program, the school and the academic program as well. It’s great place to be out there, I just feel like I could be out there. I’m gonna try and make it out there soon and see how it really is.”

Tucker’s first offer happens to be from the ‘Canes which is very important to him.

“You know it’s really important. That’s why it’s gonna be one of my first trips as well.”

Receivers coach Brennan Caroll is Tucker’s main recruiter and likes his California attitude.

“He is a cool, funny guy. He is a Cali guy too.”

Tucker has no timeline for a decision but does have a idea of when it could happen.

“I’m not sure yet. If it’s not before the season it will be after.”

Comments (36)


sign him up! man we're killing it in recruiting this year!!
Serra is fuggin loaded. Would be great to finally pull a kid from there.
Is he a plan B to Chad Thomas or does he have a committable offer? Btw, kid looks like a good athlete .
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“I’m not sure yet. If it’s not before the season it will be after.”

My favorite recruit quote of the year so far.
I'm down for some hidden gems close to home that the staff has a lot of time to evaluate... But I get nervous getting kids from across the country no one else wants. we'll see what happens his senior season though, I wonder if he has a commitable offer right now.
He sure sniffs out screens and plays to the outside. Seems like a perfect fit for Doritos defense, hybrid Olb/DE

Kind of surprised by his offers, film looks better than what offers say.
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“I’m not sure yet. If it’s not before the season it will be after.”

My favorite recruit quote of the year so far.

I think he means it won't be during his season, so if you're trying to be a smartass, that makes perfect sense and you failed. If not, disregard previous comment.
I'm super pumped for Mutombo Jones, Mourning Harris and Muresan Smith in next year's class.
Serra H.S. (San Mateo, CA) has a list of pretty incredible athletes who have gone through their halls into the professional leagues of America.

Tom Brady, Barry Bonds, Lynn Swann, among others...

He plays in a league with decent competition (WCAL - Catholic school league).

I'll try to keep an eye out on him and see what's up!
Thanks for the write up Tito I believe there were threads that discussed this guy back in April!

He is not leaving the West Coast (Arizona State is the farthest West he will go, listen to him talk about them), unfortunately there is nothing to see here! He will try and visit Miami (for a free trip and the experience) after watching that video I get the Vaughn Telemarque skater kid vibe from him. I think he is appreciative of UM's offer an will use it to land some major west coast offers.

UM needs some more Goons on defense. Look at Trent Harris's recruiting picture he looks like a he is ready to catch a case for battery with intent to do great bodily harm, same thing with Chad Thomas. This kid just doesn't strike me as having that dog in him, that you want in your dline players, which maybe why the other Top Programs have taken a pass on him to this point.

Go Canes

Paranos didnt you say Kayaa was not going to go to Miami?

Are you on drugs! I said he was holding out before he committed for a better offer from either #1 Stanford, #1B Ucla , and #3 Oka St. But they all slow played him so he committed to UM since we believed in him first. Get your stories right before you throw Crap against the wall and hope it sticks.
Paranos didnt you say Kayaa was not going to go to Miami?

Are you on drugs! I said he was holding out before he committed for a better offer from either #1 Stanford, #1B Ucla , and #3 Oka St. But they all slow played him so he committed to UM since we believed in him first. Get your stories right before you throw Crap against the wall and hope it sticks.

Not take sides with the Gator...but that's the same damned thing man.
Paranos you legitmately just stated the reason the kid doesn't have bigger offers is because he doesn't have that dog in, and isn't mean enough to play in the line. Which you deciphered from a photo & interview. No words
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Paranos you legitmately just stated the reason the kid doesn't have bigger offers is because he doesn't have that dog in, and isn't mean enough to play in the line. Which you deciphered from a photo & interview

Yes I did. When you meet another person that has the Dog in him you just know. To give you a real world example have you seen one of Eddie Johnson's interviews or Denzel Perrman's interview they just have that dog in them.

Okay you want to see the difference with someone that has that dog in them, watch the interview in the link below with Louisiana Linebacker Jaevon Walton he has good example (just like his dad did when played for bama). The kid is goon all day and twice on Friday nights or Saturday afternoons, mind you he comes from money so its not a socioeconomic trait exclusively.


Paranos didnt you say Kayaa was not going to go to Miami?

Are you on drugs! I said he was holding out before he committed for a better offer from either #1 Stanford, #1B Ucla , and #3 Oka St. But they all slow played him so he committed to UM since we believed in him first. Get your stories right before you throw Crap against the wall and hope it sticks.

Not take sides with the Gator...but that's the same damned thing man.

How is saying an uncommitted recruit is not coming to UM as saying a Committed recruit is not going to end up at UM. Also I said in my post about Kaaya before he committed I said yes he is holding out for other offers but in the end UM is the best opportunity for him and i laid it detail why (which I am not going to rehatch). Stanford was going to take the local kid (Keller chryst) from Palo Alto which they did, UCLA had there guy already, and Okie State was had (Allen, Cornwell, and Hansen) 3 other QB's rated higher then Kaaya on their prospect board. So he chose correctly and the rest is history

Go canes
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