Official Mario, TVD, Kam Kinchens, Wes Bissainthe & Jalen Rivers Media Availability

No one gives a **** what you say
Who wants to tell ⬆️⬆️⬆️ about irony

irony GIF
Spent untold millions of dollars on improving our football facilities - and we can't have a dedicated small room for these briefings - with actual microphones that work - and speakers so everyone can hear what's being said?

Why in the Wide, Wide World of Sports does UM have the crappiest, poorest, interviews on planet Earth? At times can't hear squat - it's like they have a little podium they tote around and set up in one corner or the other, or behind the bushes - or wherever they find it - and go from there.

I've seen and heard better production qualities from a fruitcake video filmed at a boner meet that looks like it was shot in an alley.

We're about as organized as a breakout from a 50-hole ****house with one door.

How do we spell, "Half-azzed?"
Spent untold millions of dollars on improving our football facilities - and we can't have a dedicated small room for these briefings - with actual microphones that work - and speakers so everyone can hear what's being said?

Why in the Wide, Wide World of Sports does UM have the crappiest, poorest, interviews on planet Earth? At times can't hear squat - it's like they have a little podium they tote around and set up in one corner or the other, or behind the bushes - or wherever they find it - and go from there.

I've seen and heard better production qualities from a fruitcake video filmed at a boner meet that looks like it was shot in an alley.

We're about as organized as a breakout from a 50-hole ****house with one door.

How do we spell, "Half-azzed?"
Agree w horrible quality. I just messaged somebody about it (did last year too). If it doesn’t get fixed I’ll ping Ruiz to buy a media room ...or threaten to fly the banner 😂
TVD today:

“It’s good to get back out there,” “I like (the new offense) a lot. Coach Dawson brings a lot of energy, we go fast, we huddle up, it’s a well-balanced offense. Rip it down the field, also run it well.”

“I still need to develop in some ways, felt like here was the best place for me,” “Coach Cristobal and I have been very tight throughout this whole process. I could have gone somewhere else, the draft, whatever, but for my development I think one more year here is good.”

“We just have to execute, that’s what it’s all about,” “(Dawson) is going to let us play, let us be free and be playmakers. He doesn’t criticize you and all that, so it’s good. He lets us play.”
“Jacurri has been great, always a positive guy. He’s definitely stepped up in many ways, especially in the pocket. His accuracy has been a lot better. He’s going to be a great player.

“Emory, he impresses me. He’s a well-rounded kid, very accurate with the football, smart. He’s going to be good, too.”

“There’s always ups and downs, and I’m jut going to grow (from last year),” “This year is going to be the year.

“I’m just confident. I know the guys are brought in. Guys are tired of losing and being 5-7. I think this is going to be a big step for us.

“Guys are just tired of losing and being average.”