Coaching Dave Aranda

Oh wow. Thanks for that info. I would never have guessed. Especially considering last years Baylor squad wasn’t good at all
Yeah I’m not sure if he’s calling plays but he’s definitely heavily involved in game planning to say the leasr
My biggest concern would be recruiting. He seems to be very stoic, which might not be conducive for connecting with recruits.
Not that I disagree with this, same gets brought up with Lane. I only wish to point out that Shannon, Golden, and Manny were all able to recruit decent classes at worst. Didn't pan out with a lot, terrible evaluations and all that, but still high ranked classes. I'm of the belief the product on the field, the x and o side, will bring the recruits more than the figure head coach. Saban doesn't get people at Bama because of his personality. He wins, puts people in the league.
Where's Mario's and Kiffins Championships and Stack of big Wins at???
I agree on Kiffin. I'm not super high on him like others on the board either. Plus the maturity issues. But as far as Mario goes. C'mon now. Two-time back to back Pac-12 champion, 2020 Rose Bowl champion, 2019 Pac-12 coach of the year, current #3 ranked team in CFB and marching towards the CFP, rated as the top individual recruiter in the country while at bama, consensus top 10 recruiting classes at Oregon, unlimited contacts in South Florida, Miami alum. It's too easy of a choice with Mario. Far superior to Aranda.
We need you to make the call...

I agree on Kiffin. I'm not super high on him like others on the board either. Plus the maturity issues. But as far as Mario goes. C'mon now. Two-time back to back Pac-12 champion, 2020 Rose Bowl champion, 2019 Pac-12 coach of the year, current #3 ranked team in CFB and marching towards the CFP, rated as the top individual recruiter in the country while at bama, consensus top 10 recruiting classes at Oregon, unlimited contacts in South Florida, Miami alum. It's too easy of a choice with Mario. Far superior to Aranda.
Again...I've known Mario since he was a GA under Butch...have no problem if he were to accept the job...But there's something about Aranda that intrigues me...
And??...I'm not sold on LSU being his dream job...
Lol I get that. Just think you’re reasoning for it not being his dream job is because it’ll be hard to win at LSU is incredibly flawed. The guy literally won a national championship there lol
As much as I like Mario...and appreciate Kiffins Offensive knowledge...I'd take Aranda over both. Can you imagine pairing him with a good OC (even Lashlee to a lesser extent) and a young and up & coming DC who'll run Aranda's D to a T??...Man o Man we'd run amok on the ACC...
I like him too. Big west coast guy though. Hard to pry away from USC or Washington (or Oregon) if Mario comes. That's if he leaves Baylor.
Again, Let's not kid ourselves...The job is Mario's "IF" he wants it...I've known that for months...Aranda would be a **** good backup plan. Fickell is NOT coming to UM....
This is one of the things that’s making me nervous about our situation. Hasn’t somebody reached out to Mario at this point to see if he’s interested? I keep saying the job is his if he wants it. Shouldn’t we know at this point if he wants it or is my timeline too quick?
Lol I get that. Just think you’re reasoning for it not being his dream job is because it’ll be hard to win at LSU is incredibly flawed. The guy literally won a national championship there lol
He only coached the D....He won't have the staff that was there during that NC run...primarily Steve Ensminger...
Dana Holgorsen is another name that might be in the pool of possible candidates.

Maybe not too high up, but again nobody’s mentioning him so I felt like I had to.

Don’t shoot me, especially since he had history with our prior quarterback, but at some point I can almost guarantee his name is going to come up