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This is just awful. We don't even run a 2-minute offense. TvD looking at Dawson to call plays as the clock ticks down.

WTF are we doing?
This is what I want to know. They waste so much time and no tempo. We cannot want to play like this. Every game has been this way.
This game should be a blow out if it wasn’t for our QB.

But the OC doesn’t get a pass. Why no RPO besides one play that was completed to George for a 1st down?

But this is 90% on TVD!
I get it but also a lot of self inflicting wounds. We had two Oline on that screen play to George and both of them wiff on the defense.
I would run the run consistently and let Jacurri run too. It's very simple and I think we can win with this philosophy. If he puts TVD back in the game MARIO becomes a certified MORON and I believe he loses the team. Anybody with any football acuman can see that TVD should never ever take another snap in a UM uniform. The guy is a a massive liability and we are wasting a tremendous effort by the defense.
they weren't trying to have urgency they were being conservative which is why they kept their timeouts
Lol. Playing scared and losing anyway
How do you not make a change at this point? TVD doesn’t even have confidence in HIMSELF yet Mario’s keeps trotting his scared butt out there. Maddening
coaches are just as inept. Clueless, can’t prepare kids to play.
Dawson/Cristobal are pathetic.

Good OCs make things easy and comfortable for QBs. Lashlee did it.
The dude can't throw ******* screens, hitches, or rpos on target. Something got in tvds head last year and hasn't left. He overcame it vs a&m but it's back
With 2 minutes left and 2 time outs when that drive started, why would there be any question about being aggressive?
When your QB is a walking turnover machine, it does give you pause. Honestly, I'm shocked Emory hasn't practiced well enough to take this job from him. May be safe to say that Brown and Williams aren't the answer either and the future of the program at that position isn't on campus yet. There's no way any mildly competent QB doesn't shine in comparison to TVD.
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