NFL Bills-Bengals

That's either good news or really bad news. If he's stable, they would take the time for his mother to join him on the ambulance. If he's passed (God forbid), they would do it as well.

If he's in critical condition and they're working on him, they're not taking the time to wait for his Mom to get out of the stands.
Yeah, from that tweet above it said he has a pulse but isn’t breathing on his own, so perhaps they determined him to be stable enough to wait for transport? I don’t know how that works but in a trauma situation I wouldn’t think they would wait
Yeah, from that tweet above it said he has a pulse but isn’t breathing on his own, so perhaps they determined him to be stable enough to wait for transport? I don’t know how that works but in a trauma situation I wouldn’t think they would wait
Ambulance have a ventilator on board? I'd sure like to think so.
JFC no idea who he is but he deleted

I’ve never seen anything like that. The only thing I could think of is some sort of injury to the heart. People don’t collapse like that unless it’s cardiac related.
Biltmore posted a link on 1st page about what likely happened
Heard a take reported from a cardiologist from Pittsburgh that it seems like a cardiac interruption (not sure the technical term) that they have been studying. They reported that a lacrosse player was once struck near the heart by a lacrosse ball and died and if they had a defibrillator it would have saved his life. They said how he stood up and fell back suggested it might be the same condition and that it was “good news” that he was in critical condition

Just passing along what I heard
I’ve never seen anything like that. The only thing I could think of is some sort of injury to the heart. People don’t collapse like that unless it’s cardiac related.
I think it's been literally a half-century since something like that has happened in an NFL game...

This is 100% extraordinary.

I am sure hardly anyone wants to read that on Football board and why they created special section on the subject