NFL Bills-Bengals

I watch a lot of boxing and reminded me of a good KO where the guy tries to get up then goes back down but haven’t ever seen having to give CPR
God... there's absolutely no way you can continue to play a game if this 24 yo player has had what seems to be a life-threatening incident.
Agree. Only way this game continues is if there's a report Hamlin is conscious and out of medical danger. I don't see that likely happening in the next hour or so. First time an ambulance has driven onto the field apparently. Was being given oxygen when loaded into ambo.

Sure hope the young man pulls through. Given the fragility of the human body and the speed and size of tacklers, it's a miracle we've gone as long as we have without this type of life-threatening situation occurring.
This is unlike anything I have ever seen.

I hope the young man is OK - but all of the signs certainly suggest otherwise. Prayers up

I can’t imagine they are going to restart this game. How could they?
The NFL cannot let this game go on. Maybe let it go on if they definitively know this young man is in stable condition, but if they truly care about player health and are just plain human, you postpone it. These guys just saw their teammate/opponent get CPR for 9 minutes.
I really feel for the Bengals player who made the hit (which didn't look all that out of the ordinary). Think it was Tee Higgins.