How good can Miami's offense be in '24? A statistical look at our recent additions

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Fans are always overrating our players. Every year. Like did the last NFL draft not teach you that our talent is not what everyone assumes it is? Class rankings be damned. We don't have a big talent advantage over the ACC. The draft proves it.

Now we've been getting more talented every year mario has been here, this is true. But Manny was not a football coach he was the mayor son and he ran this program in to the ground with incompetence including incompetent player evalutation, so Mario is having to rebuild from the ground up

By the way I never said it was an excuse just an expectation. We won 7 games last year and now yall are acting like we're crazy because we're not sold this team is 100% going to the ACCG and playoff. Maybe we will, but there's a lot of youth and unproven players and there are gaps on this roster especially at DB which is bottom half of the ACC in talent/experience. And I'm happy we got dyoni hill but let's be real he doesn't sniff the field at alabama, georgia, ohio state, michigan, etc. He got the offer because he's someone the DB coach knew, and we did nothing else to address that room in the portal.

1. Stop moving the goal post

2. This board has been told to trust the evaluations, correct? This board has been told that Mario is an excellent recruiter, correct? Do those evaluations not include Portal Players?

3. Was this board not saying the ONLY reason we didn’t win 9 games was due to the ineptitude of TVD? Yeah or nah?

4. Are we playing UGA, Bama, OSU, UofM or are we playing Ball State, USF, GT, Syracuse, & WF?

5. Every team in America have a lot of youth, so I’m not sure why u’re **** bent on that rhetoric.

6. Manny was 3 yrs ago, & that excuse is no longer viable. Did Richt not come in & immediately clean up the program after taking over for a bumbling idiot? Did Richt not find the program is worst shape after Golden than Cristobal after Diaz?

Again, u’re making excuses, & there are no longer any excuses viable for a coach who’s getting paid Top 15 $$ w/ the personnel he has + schedule. Is Cristobal a better coach than Norvell as this board claims? Is he a better coach than Kiffin as this board claim? Then guess what, both of them dudes by year 3 won 10+ games (Norvell - yr. 3, Kiffin - yr. 2)

Enough is enough
Manny was 3 yrs ago, & that excuse is no longer viable. Did Richt not come in & immediately clean up the program after taking over for a bumbling idiot? Did Richt not find the program is worst shape after Golden than Cristobal after Diaz?
**** no. Goldens probem was X's and O's and being loyal to Donofrio with that garbage scheme. But one thing Golden did not have a problem doing was evaluating and getting talent. Lots of NFL guys on Golden's teams.

Manny on the other hand destroyed the program and left the cupboard bare. And he couldnt even blame it on clouds just his own incompetence. The only positions he recruited ok were safety and DE. He took Richts 10 win team and lost to FIU. Mario inhereted a much worse situation than Richt did not even close IMO.

This has been a complete rebuild... like tear down the entire foundation and start over rebuild. Mario has just this year managed to finally get rid of most of Manny's trash roster but IMO next year and even more so the year after that is when we'll really see the fruits of the labor

This year is a bonus if we do well then great, if we only win 9 but finish with a top recuriting class again then we're still on track IMO
**** no. Goldens probem was X's and O's and being loyal to Donofrio with that garbage scheme. But one thing Golden did not have a problem doing was evaluating and getting talent. Lots of NFL guys on Golden's teams.

Manny on the other hand destroyed the program and left the cupboard bare. And he couldnt even blame it on clouds just his own incompetence. The only positions he recruited ok were safety and DE. He took Richts 10 win team and lost to FIU. Mario inhereted a much worse situation than Richt did not even close IMO.

This has been a complete rebuild... like tear down the entire foundation and start over rebuild. Mario has just this year managed to finally get rid of most of Manny's trash roster but IMO next year and even more so the year after that is when we'll really see the fruits of the labor

This year is a bonus if we do well then great, if we only win 9 but finish with a top recuriting class again then we're still on track IMO

OK, now I’ve heard it all.

Aight bruva. Lol

**** no. Goldens probem was X's and O's and being loyal to Donofrio with that garbage scheme. But one thing Golden did not have a problem doing was evaluating and getting talent. Lots of NFL guys on Golden's teams.

Manny on the other hand destroyed the program and left the cupboard bare. And he couldnt even blame it on clouds just his own incompetence. The only positions he recruited ok were safety and DE. He took Richts 10 win team and lost to FIU. Mario inhereted a much worse situation than Richt did not even close IMO.

This has been a complete rebuild... like tear down the entire foundation and start over rebuild. Mario has just this year managed to finally get rid of most of Manny's trash roster but IMO next year and even more so the year after that is when we'll really see the fruits of the labor

This year is a bonus if we do well then great, if we only win 9 but finish with a top recuriting class again then we're still on track IMO
Well first..we wont see a schedule as easy as the one we have for years. So we better take advantage of this gift that was given to Mario in a year where he HAS to show results. We will only have 1 preseason ranked team on this schedule. (FSU) Compare this to UFs schedule ( Napier is toast. I honestly think by years end they would have played 9 ranked teams. Maybe 10) The college football gods were looking down on Mario on this one with huge favor. 9 wins is ABSOLUTELY the floor.

And the only thing that can hold this offense back is Dawson and Mario. I hope they both know this too. Im hoping whoever cut the bulk of the check to bring in Cam Ward made it very clear to Mario that we arent bringing Cam here to be a **** game manager while Martinez gets 25-30 carries a game. Cam is here to give us an explosive offense and to put points on the board. Alot of points. End of discussion.
If I see us running for 2-3 yards at a time to try to set up the pass, I'll lose it. We have the QB needed to attack a D. Do that, and we'll average 5+ a carry, easily. Use the passing game to spread the D out, and gash the **** out of them. If I see us lining up tight and running into 8 man fronts, I'm not going to be very happy. I know that might not mean anything to Mario, but it means the world to my neighbor's dog. It's tired of Mario getting it kicked.
1. Stop moving the goal post

2. This board has been told to trust the evaluations, correct? This board has been told that Mario is an excellent recruiter, correct? Do those evaluations not include Portal Players?

3. Was this board not saying the ONLY reason we didn’t win 9 games was due to the ineptitude of TVD? Yeah or nah?

4. Are we playing UGA, Bama, OSU, UofM or are we playing Ball State, USF, GT, Syracuse, & WF?

5. Every team in America have a lot of youth, so I’m not sure why u’re **** bent on that rhetoric.

6. Manny was 3 yrs ago, & that excuse is no longer viable. Did Richt not come in & immediately clean up the program after taking over for a bumbling idiot? Did Richt not find the program is worst shape after Golden than Cristobal after Diaz?

Again, u’re making excuses, & there are no longer any excuses viable for a coach who’s getting paid Top 15 $$ w/ the personnel he has + schedule. Is Cristobal a better coach than Norvell as this board claims? Is he a better coach than Kiffin as this board claim? Then guess what, both of them dudes by year 3 won 10+ games (Norvell - yr. 3, Kiffin - yr. 2)

Enough is enough
With this schedule, and this O, even Al Golden wins 9 games. ****, maybe more. No freaking excuses this year. You just don't get a schedule like this, a transfer QB with a ton of experience, a huge, talented OL, and enough talent on D to at LEAST get more stops than **** near every weak team we face. If not this year, then when? What more do we need, every team we play to pull a Marshall?
1. Stop moving the goal post

2. This board has been told to trust the evaluations, correct? This board has been told that Mario is an excellent recruiter, correct? Do those evaluations not include Portal Players?

3. Was this board not saying the ONLY reason we didn’t win 9 games was due to the ineptitude of TVD? Yeah or nah?

4. Are we playing UGA, Bama, OSU, UofM or are we playing Ball State, USF, GT, Syracuse, & WF?

5. Every team in America have a lot of youth, so I’m not sure why u’re **** bent on that rhetoric.

6. Manny was 3 yrs ago, & that excuse is no longer viable. Did Richt not come in & immediately clean up the program after taking over for a bumbling idiot? Did Richt not find the program is worst shape after Golden than Cristobal after Diaz?

Again, u’re making excuses, & there are no longer any excuses viable for a coach who’s getting paid Top 15 $$ w/ the personnel he has + schedule. Is Cristobal a better coach than Norvell as this board claims? Is he a better coach than Kiffin as this board claim? Then guess what, both of them dudes by year 3 won 10+ games (Norvell - yr. 3, Kiffin - yr. 2)

Enough is enough

I guess you think anyone who agrees with Vegas that we’re a 9.5 win team with upside is moving the goal posts and making pathetic excuses. Only on CIS is smart money clearly “dumb”.
I guess you think anyone who agrees with Vegas that we’re a 9.5 win team with upside is moving the goal posts and making pathetic excuses. Only on CIS is smart money clearly dumb.

Do u even know what 9.5 means? Lol.

Listen, imma drop this b/c honestly CIS doesn’t have a track record of objectivity or consistency.

So let me be clear, u’re entitled to ur feelings, & I acquiesce to ur feelings. Just moving fwd, I would like this board to move away from excuses & just accept w/e results that come. U can’t have it both ways; u can’t say “we were 5-7 b/c of…,” or “we were 7-6 b/c of…”, & then when those “b/c of’s” are no longer here, come up w another b/c of…. Just accept w/e the season brings & keep it moving.
Do u even know what 9.5 means? Lol.

Listen, imma drop this b/c honestly CIS doesn’t have a track record of objectivity or consistency.

So let me be clear, u’re entitled to ur feelings, & I acquiesce to ur feelings. Just moving fwd, I would like this board to move away from excuses & just accept w/e results that come. U can’t have it both ways; u can’t say “we were 5-7 b/c of…,” or “we were 7-6 b/c of…”, & then when those “b/c of’s” are no longer here, come up w another b/c of…. Just accept w/e the season brings & keep it moving.
IF we under achieve this year, it's because of the one thing all three seasons have in common. It's entirely on Mario.
Listen, imma drop this b/c honestly CIS doesn’t have a track record of objectivity or consistency.

So let me be clear, u’re entitled to ur feelings, & I acquiesce to ur feelings. Just moving fwd, I would like this board to move away from excuses & just accept w/e results that come. U can’t have it both ways; u can’t say “we were 5-7 b/c of…,” or “we were 7-6 b/c of…”, & then when those “b/c of’s” are no longer here, come up w another b/c of…. Just accept w/e the season brings & keep it moving.

Do u even know what 9.5 means? Lol.

Listen, imma drop this b/c honestly CIS doesn’t have a track record of objectivity or consistency.

So let me be clear, u’re entitled to ur feelings, & I acquiesce to ur feelings. Just moving fwd, I would like this board to move away from excuses & just accept w/e results that come. U can’t have it both ways; u can’t say “we were 5-7 b/c of…,” or “we were 7-6 b/c of…”, & then when those “b/c of’s” are no longer here, come up w another b/c of…. Just accept w/e the season brings & keep it moving.
The standards were higher for Manny Diaz than they are for Mario Cristobal. Which I can’t help but laugh at.