Any TVHead-case updates in Wis?

You're changing your story now that @JayCane20 is claiming the injury occurred on the hit out of bounds.

I'm finished with you.

Go ***** yourself. He was hit MULTIPLE times, but BY FAR the worst one is the one I've shown all along.

I'm not changing my story. The lesion developed DURING AND AFTER the game, and was the product of MULTIPLE hits, the worst one being the shot that he took on the touchdown pass.

It's not my fault that you refuse to comprehend or acknowledge that it was an injury that DEVELOPED after the game based on all of the abuse TVD took during the game. I realize your childish brain wanted it to be one clear hit with "blood splatter", not something "fairly benign" that took Tyler a full minute to recover from.

Honor your promise, delete your account, and leave the site forever.
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This doesn't explain how it happened. There was one play vs UNC where he took a hit near the sideline but I don't remember blood splattering all over the skycam.

If you can find any report of Van Dyke detailing exactly how he was injured I will delete my account and leave this place forever.
what is the point? It's been talked about ad nauseum on this site.

Go watch the UNC game again
I understand that things didn’t work out for TVD in Miami. I also understand that many feel he did not put in the work necessary to make the team great. He has to own that and live with it as I’m sure he does. There is a piece that falls on the staff for not keeping him accountable and there is a piece that falls on the previous staff for not having another guy in the room who steps up and pushes him.

All of this makes sense.

What doesn’t make sense to me is people ****ting on the kid after he is gone. He didn’t get arrested, or cause embarrassment to the school. He didn’t transfer to a hated rival, he just left. And people were happy to see him go. And we got a much better qb for this season. Just wish him well and move on. He is a kid. Seemed like a nice kid. Family is really nice people.

Just take the high road and move on. I don’t understand the hatred.
CDWright please come down to earth with the rest of us.. Van Dyke is not a "kid" and wasn't while attending The U. He's a man who scammed thousands off the University leveraging himself with Bama while not being worth a single DYME! He leached the University and is a cancer for any team looking for true leadership at the helm. He had a horrible attitude/mindset his entire tenure combined with zero mobility or grit turned him into a folding lawn chair from the dollar store. He should have never been in orange and green to begin with. Horrible evaluation and take by the previous staff and riding his coat tail to multiple losing seasons was infuriating to say the least. The complete and utter delusion under Manny's regime and then by Mario saying he's the best gunslinger in CFB (forced to, what else is he gonna say) was nuts. Our fanbase clamoring to his every "injury/excuse" of why he ****ted the bed every time the lights turned on Saturday's was exhausting. "He's all we had at the time" horse****! Nkosi shoulda been that dude in 21 when King went down vs Mich State (don't care what numbers tvd put up that year it was a waste) and Nkosi in 22! Backups don't exist to ride the bench when the starter who's lost to our rival every year cant hit the broad side of a barn. Awesome he threw for 400 yards in a couple games whooopdiee fckin dooo! Some of y'all fans would cling on to actual **** if it had a decent game against NC State! I'm beyond ecstatic that he is no longer attending The U and while I hope he doesn't fail miserably at Wiscy I don't have faith that he will do any better than he did in south FL. There is no high road to take, he bamboozled the university for leverage and cash. He should have started as a freshman breaking school records at his hometown UCONN and the nightmare for both Tyler and UM would have never existed. Just a horrible take in general.
It was actually before that. That hit got his ribs good I'm sure though. But there was a play early in that game that he got hit out of bounds and some kid on UNC stomped his hand with cleats. It was also the play that messed up his leg and took off skin and down into muscle

Nope. It was more than one hit.

He was hit multiple times. Yes, the first one in the first quarter was his knee hitting the ground. He was hit multiple times after that, particularly in the second quarter. The second bad hit was when he tried to run for a first down and two guys took him down. They only showed the replay on that one to figure out if he fumbled.

I've posted the full-game video to show the aftermath of the THIRD play when the blitzer hit him in the legs and ribs. This was the hardest hit and the one where he had difficulty standing up afterwards.

This dopey rok guy wants us to identify ONE play with "blood splatter", but the reality is that TVD got hit multiple times from various angles, and that the muscle separation (lesion) developed and got worse over time.

An MLL is not an IMMEDIATELY obvious injury, and is frequently missed and misdiagnosed. Even if the first time his knee hit the ground was the beginning of the injury, by not treating it and taking MORE hits, it turned into the serious injury that it became. What could have been a minor injury turned into a worse injury by TVD playing the entire game and continuing to take shots.

what is the point? It's been talked about ad nauseum on this site.

Go watch the UNC game again
It would seem to me that he was injured on that play out of bounds since he came up limping. All I was curious about was whether we could be sure of when/how he sustained the injury. It's easy to conclude that he was injured on that play and remained in the game, which may have led to the injury worsening. My offer was to vacate the website if solid proof was produced of exactly how he sustained the lesion. In my opinion, this is still up for debate but that hit OOB was probably it.
CDWright please come down to earth with the rest of us.. Van Dyke is not a "kid" and wasn't while attending The U. He's a man who scammed thousands off the University leveraging himself with Bama while not being worth a single DYME! He leached the University and is a cancer for any team looking for true leadership at the helm. He had a horrible attitude/mindset his entire tenure combined with zero mobility or grit turned him into a folding lawn chair from the dollar store. He should have never been in orange and green to begin with. Horrible evaluation and take by the previous staff and riding his coat tail to multiple losing seasons was infuriating to say the least. The complete and utter delusion under Manny's regime and then by Mario saying he's the best gunslinger in CFB (forced to, what else is he gonna say) was nuts. Our fanbase clamoring to his every "injury/excuse" of why he ****ted the bed every time the lights turned on Saturday's was exhausting. "He's all we had at the time" horse****! Nkosi shoulda been that dude in 21 when King went down vs Mich State (don't care what numbers tvd put up that year it was a waste) and Nkosi in 22! Backups don't exist to ride the bench when the starter who's lost to our rival every year cant hit the broad side of a barn. Awesome he threw for 400 yards in a couple games whooopdiee fckin dooo! Some of y'all fans would cling on to actual **** if it had a decent game against NC State! I'm beyond ecstatic that he is no longer attending The U and while I hope he doesn't fail miserably at Wiscy I don't have faith that he will do any better than he did in south FL. There is no high road to take, he bamboozled the university for leverage and cash. He should have started as a freshman breaking school records at his hometown UCONN and the nightmare for both Tyler and UM would have never existed. Just a horrible take in general.
I don’t know a person who wouldn’t make as much $ as they could especially given how small of a window there is to make $ playing football.
CDWright please come down to earth with the rest of us.. Van Dyke is not a "kid" and wasn't while attending The U. He's a man who scammed thousands off the University leveraging himself with Bama while not being worth a single DYME! He leached the University and is a cancer for any team looking for true leadership at the helm. He had a horrible attitude/mindset his entire tenure combined with zero mobility or grit turned him into a folding lawn chair from the dollar store. He should have never been in orange and green to begin with. Horrible evaluation and take by the previous staff and riding his coat tail to multiple losing seasons was infuriating to say the least. The complete and utter delusion under Manny's regime and then by Mario saying he's the best gunslinger in CFB (forced to, what else is he gonna say) was nuts. Our fanbase clamoring to his every "injury/excuse" of why he ****ted the bed every time the lights turned on Saturday's was exhausting. "He's all we had at the time" horse****! Nkosi shoulda been that dude in 21 when King went down vs Mich State (don't care what numbers tvd put up that year it was a waste) and Nkosi in 22! Backups don't exist to ride the bench when the starter who's lost to our rival every year cant hit the broad side of a barn. Awesome he threw for 400 yards in a couple games whooopdiee fckin dooo! Some of y'all fans would cling on to actual **** if it had a decent game against NC State! I'm beyond ecstatic that he is no longer attending The U and while I hope he doesn't fail miserably at Wiscy I don't have faith that he will do any better than he did in south FL. There is no high road to take, he bamboozled the university for leverage and cash. He should have started as a freshman breaking school records at his hometown UCONN and the nightmare for both Tyler and UM would have never existed. Just a horrible take in general.
You do know that Nkosi wasn’t even on the team in 2021 or 2022, right?
I don’t know a person who wouldn’t make as much $ as they could especially given how small of a window there is to make $ playing football.
Dave Chapelle GIF by MOODMAN

Sorry I had to re read it a couple times to understand lol Ya you are right he was a greedy sob exploiting the University for more money threatening to leave and ride the bench at Bama while he had the small window to do so instead of being a team player not demanding more money with his agent and rally his team to win.. I guess any scumbag would take that opportunity. The problem is that scumbag never once beat our rival and has an overall record of 16-15 at Miami
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I'm still curious about exactly the type of hit it took for that injury to occur, since it seems like it was a pretty freak occurrence. I knew full-well which injury he sustained but am unsure exactly how it happened. Obviously it occured while he was playing football. I know that now, thanks to you and your best friend Google.
My man, knowing these extra factoids doesn't change the outcome or injury. Wtf are saying
It was actually before that. That hit got his ribs good I'm sure though. But there was a play early in that game that he got hit out of bounds and some kid on UNC stomped his hand with cleats. It was also the play that messed up his leg and took off skin and down into muscle
This is correct. Happened right in front of where I was. He got sandwiched in between Murphy and a DB. Murphy hit him from behind and into the DB who put his shoulder into his ribs. The crowd around TVD started to condense on their sideline when he got stepped on. And I think George(?) came over and pulled him up.