Any TVHead-case updates in Wis?

This doesn't explain how it happened. There was one play vs UNC where he took a hit near the sideline but I don't remember blood splattering all over the skycam.

If you can find any report of Van Dyke detailing exactly how he was injured I will delete my account and leave this place forever.

i don't trust you because you are the type of person that welches, by your nature and nationality.
I identified one play where an injury may have occurred, but is anyone sure that's the play in question? I asked for proof of precisely how the injury occurred and you have provided a bunch of squiggly lines and insults. Be gone from me now.
the play has been identified.

let us know when you are deleting your account.
CDWright please come down to earth with the rest of us.. Van Dyke is not a "kid" and wasn't while attending The U. He's a man who scammed thousands off the University leveraging himself with Bama while not being worth a single DYME! He leached the University and is a cancer for any team looking for true leadership at the helm. He had a horrible attitude/mindset his entire tenure combined with zero mobility or grit turned him into a folding lawn chair from the dollar store. He should have never been in orange and green to begin with. Horrible evaluation and take by the previous staff and riding his coat tail to multiple losing seasons was infuriating to say the least. The complete and utter delusion under Manny's regime and then by Mario saying he's the best gunslinger in CFB (forced to, what else is he gonna say) was nuts. Our fanbase clamoring to his every "injury/excuse" of why he ****ted the bed every time the lights turned on Saturday's was exhausting. "He's all we had at the time" horse****! Nkosi shoulda been that dude in 21 when King went down vs Mich State (don't care what numbers tvd put up that year it was a waste) and Nkosi in 22! Backups don't exist to ride the bench when the starter who's lost to our rival every year cant hit the broad side of a barn. Awesome he threw for 400 yards in a couple games whooopdiee fckin dooo! Some of y'all fans would cling on to actual **** if it had a decent game against NC State! I'm beyond ecstatic that he is no longer attending The U and while I hope he doesn't fail miserably at Wiscy I don't have faith that he will do any better than he did in south FL. There is no high road to take, he bamboozled the university for leverage and cash. He should have started as a freshman breaking school records at his hometown UCONN and the nightmare for both Tyler and UM would have never existed. Just a horrible take in general.

Somebody FINALLY has said it!!!
This is correct. Happened right in front of where I was. He got sandwiched in between Murphy and a DB. Murphy hit him from behind and into the DB who put his shoulder into his ribs. The crowd around TVD started to condense on their sideline when he got stepped on. And I think George(?) came over and pulled him up.
Must have been in the same section as us. We were 2nd row right in front of where it happened
That is one time "Best Signal-Caller in college football" TVD to you sir...

It’s true. He was ALWAYS clear and concise in the huddle, able to call signals as good as anyone, ever.

Had no idea who to throw the ball to, or when, but elite at calling signals.
That's a good find.

He also took a hit near the sideline that also could have been how the injury occurred.

I guess we'll never know unless some media member in Madison asks him about it.
the play has been cited to you. when are you deleting your account welcher?