Ryan Day will be next UM coach (article)

I'll say it this way:

Mario ain't it.
Ain't sayin who is.
Biggest question is, who follows in 2026-9? Think it'll take at least 2 more of 22/23 type years to get the serious talk going.

We'll see who's available, what conference we're in, and it'll be interesting to see what the state of the program is if we top out at 9-3, 8-4 over the next few years - which is exactly what I predict.

7-5 this year and the seat's warming up a touch.

Hope we start cookin and do win 10, but I don't think we will.
I like Mario. I'm glad we have him.
He's exactly what we needed at the right time. This program needed rebuilding. Riley, Kiffen and Day are much the same. They are great offensive minds, but they are not program builders. Fans need to understand that. Program builders lay foundations that are sustainable when they leave. Look at Meyer and Saban. Day inherited from Meyer. He was on his staff. I think Day is much the same as Lincoln Riley. His OC prowess gets him top QBs ans WRs, but other areas are lacking. If Day left OSU, I think he'd be much the same as Riley at USC. Great offensive weapons, but lacking on defense and the trenches. Day is getting top recruits because the OSU machine is recruiting itself.

You see chinks in the recruiting armour appearing. Day pretty much whiffed on his 2024 DL class. He got to edge rushers and no DTs. He couldn't even get a DT from the portal. He wanted Marley Cook who visited OSU, but Mario did what Mario does.
Season 1 Work GIF
I'll say it this way:

Mario ain't it.
Ain't sayin who is.
Biggest question is, who follows in 2026-9? Think it'll take at least 2 more of 22/23 type years to get the serious talk going.

We'll see who's available, what conference we're in, and it'll be interesting to see what the state of the program is if we top out at 9-3, 8-4 over the next few years - which is exactly what I predict.

7-5 this year and the seat's warming up a touch.

Hope we start cookin and do win 10, but I don't think we will.
7-5 if Mario hasn’t learned to take a knee or takes time outs like multi-sneezing while having the flu. Otherwise, I can see the horizon…
Can't beat his arch rival.. DO NOT WANT **** going O'fer against the northern girls school
He's exactly what we needed at the right time. This program needed rebuilding. Riley, Kiffen and Day are much the same. They are great offensive minds, but they are not program builders. Fans need to understand that. Program builders lay foundations that are sustainable when they leave. Look at Meyer and Saban. Day inherited from Meyer. He was on his staff. I think Day is much the same as Lincoln Riley. His OC prowess gets him top QBs ans WRs, but other areas are lacking. If Day left OSU, I think he'd be much the same as Riley at USC. Great offensive weapons, but lacking on defense and the trenches. Day is getting top recruits because the OSU machine is recruiting itself.

You see chinks in the recruiting armour appearing. Day pretty much whiffed on his 2024 DL class. He got to edge rushers and no DTs. He couldn't even get a DT from the portal. He wanted Marley Cook who visited OSU, but Mario did what Mario does.
Billy Madison Shut Up GIF
People in here are slandering a 56-8 HC and defending a .500 one.

You guys will blame players for Mario’s losses to garbage ACC teams and fail to mention Day would’ve won a Natty if his kicker didn’t shank the game winner against UGA.

Never change guys, never change.
Look how this board treats Dennis Erickson as a pariah, when his 6 years here are among the greatest runs in CFB history.
I feel like Michigan fans feel the same way about Ryan Day that we feel about good ol' Swamptown's finest, Big Billy B...done one **** of a job, 17 year extension.

Or said another way, Michigan fans would be as happy as a Gator on prom night when his sister finally says yes if Day hung around a while longer.
What I want to know is who TF is feeding that fan made crayon art article? That's either a sociopath or Forrest Gumps unborn child
For Ryan Day to be coming to Miami in 2025 meant that something…or actually very many things…went catastrophically wrong this season. Probably improbably wrong, as in multiple meteor strikes.

This is an uninformed take that does not account for any of the moves made this offseason (39 new players).
I wouldn't put the term improbably wrong in any scenario with Mario involved. MTSU, no knee... Mario has made the improbably wrong look very easy.

I just want to get to the point where we can win even when things go wrong. Here's hoping it's this year.
For Ryan Day to be coming to Miami in 2025 meant that something…or actually very many things…went catastrophically wrong this season. Probably improbably wrong, as in multiple meteor strikes.

This is an uninformed take that does not account for any of the moves made this offseason (39 new players).
You don’t feel like things have gone catastrophically wrong the last few years?