NFL Yahoo Sports says releases of Gruden emails very suspicious

Thought crimes!

99% of black players use “cracka” with a derogatory intent, and do so openly and often unless they are in front of a camera. Nobody gives a ****, including their white friends.

What’s really shameful is that Gruden called someone a *****. That is so hurtful! I can’t believe he used that word in a private conversation.

Played college ball, been around NFL and college programs since then, and the condemnation coming from this is insanely hypocritical.
I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume these are sincere questions. If I'm wrong, please feel free to cruise on by. No hard feelings.

When Gruden writes, "Dumboriss Smith has lips the size of michellin tires," he is (whether consciously or subconsciously) playing on an ugly racial trope with significant, ignominious historical roots in this country. Unfortunately, there is a history in this country of making caricatures of black people with large, disfigured lips and exaggerated body parts, and which was particularly popular during Jim Crow. Throughout that era, the insensitive depictions of racial stereotypes of the "pickanninies," "coons," and "golliwog" dolls generally tended to include large, red lips in their depictions. (See Link to the Jim Crow Museum's Webpage on Anti-Black Imagery). This is, shamefully, a very real part of American history. But these stereotypes continue to show up to this day, albeit typically in less obvious ways.

One example of how this sort of profiling based on stereotypical Afrocentric features (e.g., full lips, dark complexion, dark eyes, wide nose) can be particularly dangerous is its impact on our criminal justice system. Some studies have shown that while overt racial profiling in sentencing is down, profiling based on stereotypical Afrocentric features continues to be a problem (See Link to One Such Study). In essence, a black man in America with a darker complexion and bigger lips is more likely to get a harsher sentence than a black man with a lighter complexion and thinner lips for a similar offense.

Your question about Julia Roberts is also interesting and illustrates these pervasive racial undertones as it relates to certain features. Julia Roberts tends to be celebrated for her full lips. And today, women across this country get injections and treatments in order to have full lips. However, African-American women with full lips have not generally had the same reception to their full lips, even fairly recently. (See Link to NY Times Article re: Ugandan Model Aamito Lagum Getting Dragged By Racist Internet Trolls on Instagram). So Julia Roberts's full lips are something to be desired, but Aamito Lagum's full lips are vilified and the target of overt racial slurs, with the one major difference being the former is a white American actress and the latter is a black Ugandan model.

Back to Gruden, I can't say for certain whether he was consciously trying to be racially insensitive in his insult (which could be considered "racist") or whether he was simply trying to be crass and was merely unaware/ignorant of the racial connotation and undertones present in his comment (which I, personally, wouldn't consider "racist"). Intent is hard to judge off of an e-mail, and I try not to condemn people for the thoughtless things they say. But any time the discussion tends to the derogatory depiction or classification of a person's physical features that is also a historically, negatively stereotyped feature of that person's ethnic/racial group, I'm going to be suspicious, at the least.

Moving away from Afrocentric stereotypes, had Gruden said Josh Rosen has a nose like a flamingo, or that Younghoe Koo's eyes are more slanted than a Louisiana politician, would you ask whether Rosen really had a large nose, or whether Koo's eyes are actually slanted?

Just some food for thought (and, maybe, understanding).
I actually read all of that. Well said. But... Rosen does have a big nose and Koo'a eyes are slanted, so why is pointing out something that is a fact bad? People need to stop being so sensitive.
I actually read all of that. Well said. But... Rosen does have a big nose and Koo'a eyes are slanted, so why is pointing out something that is a fact bad? People need to stop being so sensitive.

Appreciate it.

First, let's call a spade a spade. Gruden wasn't just "pointing out" that Smith has a large lips. The e-mail wasn't, "You ever notice Smith has an rather large lips for a man?" He clearly meant to insult the man, and was not just pointing out an aspect of Smith's anatomy.

But to answer your question, IMO, it's "bad" because historically people have "pointed out" (and exaggerated) those particular physical features in an effort to demean, stereotype, and degrade individuals of those ethnicities/races. If people are sensitive about it, I suspect it has to do with centuries of derision.

And I have never been convinced factual accuracy is a complete defense to poor behavior. If your 4-year-old son points at an old lady in the grocery store and yells out, "dad, look at that old lady, her ***** hang to her stomach and she doesn't have any teeth," those may all be facts. But it doesn't mean you don't correct your son, tell him that's not nice, and maybe even tell him to go tell the nice lady he's sorry (or apologize yourself on his behalf).

Just because a person is technically right doesn't mean they aren't being an *******.
I actually read all of that. Well said. But... Rosen does have a big nose and Koo'a eyes are slanted, so why is pointing out something that is a fact bad? People need to stop being so sensitive.

Andrew Siciliano heard you say that from his studio.

Wouldn't be surprised if Mark Davis had something to do with it just so he could get rid of Gruden for nothing.
If it was his Dad (RIP), I'd totally believe it.

And I love Al Davis, lol. See, the Patriots were cheaters, but they'd try to hide it and say they weren't cheaters, which was despicable.

The 70's Raiders WERE cheaters, and publicly and gleefully let you know about it.

There is a difference. ;)
Thought crimes!

99% of black players use “cracka” with a derogatory intent, and do so openly and often unless they are in front of a camera. Nobody gives a ****, including their white friends.

What’s really shameful is that Gruden called someone a *****. That is so hurtful! I can’t believe he used that word in a private conversation.

Played college ball, been around NFL and college programs since then, and the condemnation coming from this is insanely hypocritical.
It is a business, they are thinking with their pocket. They feel that Gruden comments make them look bad so they gave him the boot. If it ****es you off so much, you should get a large group of people to boycott the NFL until they start banning players that use the C word.