What was different?


Dec 4, 2012
Rewatching the games from last year, what do you think was different in the games against ND and VT?

The team that played in those games is what I hope to see all the time. Played with intensity and our offense looked more aggressive. Those were the only games I remember where our team tried some different plays - motions, fake sweep-counter, reverse pass to QB, Wildcat with DeeJay.

Why do you think we looked so good those games and in others vanilla and lacking emotion?
Rewatching the games from last year, what do you think was different in the games against ND and VT?

The team that played in those games is what I hope to see all the time. Played with intensity and our offense looked more aggressive. Those were the only games I remember where our team tried some different plays - motions, fake sweep-counter, reverse pass to QB, Wildcat with DeeJay.

Why do you think we looked so good those games and in others vanilla and lacking emotion?

Richt seems to really limit playbook and open it up for select games. That is good in a sense but leads to us in dog fights with lesser opponents and younger guys cant get work. I dont think we had many games last year where we sat starters in 4th qtr or anything like that.

I know that is a old school approach. Limit playbook against lesser opponents but as a former player, when coaches did that it could make you bring lesser intensity also. Like the weeks coaches had special game plans as a player you were more excited for practice and wanted to execute those plays even more in games. Maybe with more quality depth it works better in future.
i think the lack of a bye week and injuries finally started taking its tolls towards the end of the season.
You try f@cking Giselle and Halle Berry halfway into a coma back to back and then try to get a stiffy on for Bette Midler...

Not so easy is it?

Immature team, nascent program, flew too close to the sun. It's the classic Miami story. Then of course, we also came up against one team that was simply better than us, and fatigue, injuries, and lack of talent and depth took over. It wasn't playcalling.
I think the philosophy is that you don’t really need to open the playbook against UNC or GTech and so on. Should be able to line up, not turn over the ball, and out-talent them. Our team just wasn’t deep or mature enough, YET.
this... if you were at those games, you'd know the crowd had everything to do with the outcome. a serious advantage when they can't hear their qb. the energy was unbelievable. literally the most amazing two nights, from the stands, in well over a decade.
It wasnt ND at night but we had a relatively really good crowd for UVA game, them boys still slept walk for a bit, but I get what you are saying.

Thing is if you want to take next step you need to bring it for most of your games, even elite teams struggle a game here or there during a long season but we were in dog fights all year, UVA, UNC, GT, PITT (which we dropped), etc.