What is the word on griffin

Nobody knows how much prep work the kid has had through this time for this 1 last chance to make it in and when I keep seeing him tweet confidently I believe he's studying as hard as he ever has at anything. I believe he can make it but nobody knows if he will but to see some ripping him and others saying he's a longshot is unfair because he may be grinding in the library preparing more then I did when I was in college so everybody needs to give the kid a chance
I want this kid...badly.

Give him a break...he is trying to be here and all you'll cowards do is smoke crack.
He waited too late to take the act doubt he ever steps foot on campus
Cool another one with reading comprehension issues.... Smh. Keep making your own facts up, doesn't mean they become true.
Honestly, based on experience on seeing this thing before, when a kid is this uncertain (taking ACT very late, drops out of prep school, etc), it's usually an indicator that he won't make it. Odds are stacked against him coming.

I've sadly never held out much hope of him getting in. Nothing personal against the kid but these things have a habit of not working out.

Part of it is he is such a supreme talent, I don't want to get my hopes up.

for me, the clincher was when he dropped out of prep school. That was a huge red flag for me.
Anyone ever figure out if the ACT can accelerate the process for kids like this?
Back in the day I am pretty sure you could pay extra for rapid reporting...not sure if that is still a thing or not.