Well, Then I Guess There's Only One Thing Left To Do

Dan E. Dangerously

This board...it's my note
Nov 3, 2011
What's that you ask? It's simple...win the whole ******* thing!


Sorry, But this came to me as I was about to go to sleep and had to get it off my chest. We're ranked #2 in Men's Basketball for first time since life began. But still, I'm gonna go ahead and say it...I'll be ****ed if we don't win a national title this year. Not because we lose so much in the form depth and experience next year. Not because we finally have a good team after being ****** for so long. And not because I'm some joke super-fan that demands that The U **** excellence.

It's really rather simple. Let's go back in time about 10 months to last year's national title game, where Kentucky defeated Kansas. This is what happened when the game was over:


Did you see that? That's none other than Dr. Mark A. Emmert handing the NCAA trophy to the President of UK and it's coach John Calipari. After the better part of 3 years and all the bull**** these ******** have put us through, we need to seize the opportunity we have staring us in the face. I can't think of a better way to cap it off than for that Monday night in April, for that Newt Gingrich looking weasel to espouse the virtues of our University, it's alums, it's fans, and it's basketball team. And after all that, hand that ******* trophy to Donna and Coach L. I'm picturing that moment in my head right now and it's ******* glorious.

That's all.
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I really believe that if we somehow win the Final Four, people will still be talking about this team in 50 years as the team that said "**** YOU" to everyone on behalf of UM.