Tom Herman is a bad ****

Just watched that little piece of hype propaganda. It's about the same as the hype propaganda 3 Penny was making for Fraulden.

Here's the bottom line.

Butch Davis built the greatest team in football history; began repeating that at UNC; wants to work for us.

1. Is Herman a badder **** than Butch? No.
2. Is Herman an equal **** to Butch? No.
3. Fuggetabouit!

Folden never gave a speech like this in his life.His trust the process BS and excuse making was all you heard in his speeches. "Remember your training", then you have Miami players saying that their training prepared them for losses like Clemson GTFOH!! We are the U ! you dont prepare in practice for losses. I would be fine with Butch. But Herman is that dude. Creative young successful coach that can use our athletes to straight up kill mofos. He made Cardale Jones a championship QB and if Urban likes him then you know he is good.
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If not Butch, this guy. He might power bomb Jimbo at the 50 yard line. I'm good with that.
goldens half time speech during the clemson game was telling the team that we gave them the first half. butch's halftime speech at cuse in 98 was you MFers better hope they dont hang 100 on you otherwise monday is going to suck
Wow, golden has never said a sentence of anything like that with that much conviction in his time at Miami... No wonder why Miami plays so uninspired....
That was a great video. But he didn't mention anything about unity, diversity, integrity, and a bunch of other words that end in -ity. How are those kids supposed to get fired up?
Zero south Florida ties. Zero. Bbb

I have Butch #1 on my list, but this is just stupid. JJ came from OK State and played at Arky and Erickson came from Washington St. No South Florida ties. 3 national titles. IDGAF where you're from. Just win.
I like Herman a lot from what I read about the guy. Just not sure Miami will take a shot with a guy that's still haven't finished his first year as a HC.
That was a great video. But he didn't mention anything about unity, diversity, integrity, and a bunch of other words that end in -ity. How are those kids supposed to get fired up?

Look when they are walking out of the locker room. The poster says Unity.... works for me!

Its at like 16-17 seconds in.