Thlnk Fataweenie Alfredo costs money now...Just Wait!


Dec 29, 2013

Typical journalists (you hear me, AJ, The Miami Hurricane joke) they miss the real unintented consequence of all these Power 5 actions in collaboration with Big School BJ'er Marky Mark Emmert and his NCAA funky bunch: Multi-year scholarships which can't be terminated for poor athletic performance!

Yep, every two star New Jersey Pipeline JAG is going to continue counting against that 85 (or is it Marky's 83 still?) limit for Years!

Even if you take out disciplinary issue losses (which are permitted to lose their scholarship, i.e. the "Jimbo Meyer" rule) the past few years, Alfredo's misses on recruiting which resulted in attrition have been huge...NOW imagine if these (in past years) previously scholarship released "student-athletes" decide keeping their full cost of attendance scholly in a hot town like Miami is better than being at DII Lake Erie College...Yep, they would still counted against the scholly limit.

Alfredo is the Sandusky gift that keeps on giving...
TF are you talking about?.. We got to have rules behind some of these metaphors used....
Does anybody really lose their scholarships? Don't they just transfer out when they dont get playing time like ray lewis iii
It's too choppy man it's like your speaking Spanish and English

Trying to point something out with some context...Apologies for the brevity attempt.

Bottom Line: New rules designed to benefit student athletes will hamstring even the best coaches; how do you think Fataweenie Alfredo will fare? Heck, even the Gayturd baseball player quoted (who has an admittedly succesful coach) realized the problem of dead weight.

Just think of all your mistakes hanging around for years at a time to remind you of how stupid we can all be...Think Alfredo can handle it without rushing to Pennsylvania Prison Cell for comfort?