This Made Me Laugh

I wonder if they prep these guys for the level of questions they're going to receive from SMD? That has to be a topic of conversation behind the scenes.
SMD's voice makes me want to drown her unborn children, anyone care to give me a rundown of the mundane **** she asked?
Made me wince, what I could stand of it, up to "Does this one feel..." Done. Its painfully stupid. And it's just not SMD.
Jesus Christ...when the **** will this city have competent sports reporters????? God save us all...journalism is ******* dead.
Here are the Pulitzer winners we have covering our team....of course, FattyPorts posing with the WVU coach.

I found it to be particularly funny that Braxton viewed this as more of a business trip per say and Ahmon's favorite experience thus far in Orlando has been going to The Magic Kingdom.
There is a football game to be played. How in the world does Best Buy come up in the questions? My goodness I'm at a loss for words.

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