The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly


Nov 28, 2011
The Good -
If you pay attention to star rankings, this is how the class ranked for average stars:
Rivals #14
Scout #18
This was a small class and Golden just confirmed we self imposed. So this was never going to be a top 10 class no matter how you slice it.
ESPN overall ranking is #21. Those rankings all go up with the signing of Collins. I am not holding my breath of course.

The Bad -
Missing out on Thomas and Bostwick. Those were the two I feel the coaches are most upset about. There is still a hope for Collins. As for Bryant and Kirkland you can have them. I am on record as saying Bryant will turn out to be average at best. He will be FSU's version of Forston. It takes a certain amount of maturity and mental toughness to make it at the college level. He has already proved he has neither. Kirkland we might never hear about again. I feel strongly that the only reason UM mended fences with him was to not put a nail in the BTW coffin.

The Ugly -
The local coaches that are anti-UM. It seems they lack common sense, have their own interests in play, and really could care less out about doing what is best for the kids. Who steers a kid to Arkansas away from his foundation and support system? There are no words to describe the stupidity of that decision. And what in the world did Al Golden do to deserve this disrespect? He has done nothing but good things for the school and the community. He had nothing to do with Randy Shannon getting fired. Instead he is left cleaning up a mess that Shannon left behind. If Al Golden resigned tomorrow I would not blame him one bit. He does not deserve the pathetic situation he has inherited and has to continue to endure with local coaches. Here is hoping that he wins 10 games next year, kicks FSU's ***, and tells the local coaches to ***** off. You either ride with Golden or get run over by the train he is building.
Excellent post - agree with everything.

actually, one exception. i don't want golden to tell the local coaches to **** off, as that will make it even more difficult to recruit future studs.
I'll add to this. 247, which adds in the JUCO commits has us by average score @ 13 and second in the ACC.
I agree with most, if not all you said.

Winning cures all. If we win 10 games, kick in fsu/thomas'/bryant's teeth in, everything will be fine. I dont need to list the great players that came to miami as low star guys, or were from out of state. They wanted to be here, and they busted their *** to make it. We have a young team filled with those guys.
excellent points...fug all the haters...if u aint with us then move out da way...WE WILL BE BACK!!!!!
Everyone is ignoring that [except for DT] we filled all needs, including a top ratee kicker who is a walk-on!
and i like how keef has a child and is going all the way up to tallahasse if he truly cared about being around for his kid he would have stayed in his hometown miami just my opinon
Excellent post - agree with everything.

actually, one exception. i don't want golden to tell the local coaches to **** off, as that will make it even more difficult to recruit future studs.

I should have said a few local coaches. Really the more I think about it floors me that certain coaches have the audacity to choose the side of a coach that left this program in shambles rather than support a University who was successful long before Shannon ever came around. And rather than support a new regime that has done wonders so far to clean up the disaster they were brought into.