The Foundation Of Success Pillars In The Lockeroom

More concerned with taking down anything and everything that says "Deserve Victory". You don't deserve squat unless you beat teams on Saturday. After you win you move on, and never EVER talk about how you deserved it. You EARN it, not deserve it.
More concerned with taking down anything and everything that says "Deserve Victory". You don't deserve squat unless you beat teams on Saturday. After you win you move on, and never EVER talk about how you deserved it. You EARN it, not deserve it.

That whole "deserve victory" theme was awful. As you said, you never "deserve." That's the attitude of the entitled. That's exactly what we wanted to get away from.
Guys, we have to trust the process. Just be patient. If everyone executes then we win the National Championship, right?
Like this here play. Bubble screen to Coley. Run 80 yards. He didn't execute like it was designed!