People don't change! Why would D'onofrio?


Jun 14, 2012
It is all quite simple and at the end of the day the powers that be have to see it for what it is!


Any expectations that we canes fans, the U athletic department that D'onofrio will see the light and change WILL NEVER happen.

In the same vein, our players grew up in south florida playing downfield with their buddies and asking them to change and play like pussboys is asking them to CHANGE how they grew up.

A leopard does not change his spots. D'onofrio will never change. Our players are incapable of playing his "scheme" thankfully for exactly the same reason (can't change)!
If I can change...

Al and Mark don't change as neither fear their job. You can't change people but they can change for you. It boils down to needing a motivator to change and its obvious they don't have one
Not his scheme, it's Goldens.....


I don't get why people are so obsessed with getting rid of D'Onofrio. He's not the problem, it is Golden's defense. Getting rid of him is the right thing to do, but only to make room for a DC with pulse and a clue on how to scheme. And unless a new DC is given the keys and told "it's yours, you own it" it won't make a difference. Don't get another puppet and loan him the car staying "don't drive to aggressive, and only use this kind of gas, don't try to pick up chicks, and be sure to keep the music down. Oh yeah, and be home by this time." AG has to back completely out of it.

See Nick Saban and Monty's boy- They don't have the best relationship but Nick was man enough to add talent in an effort to improve his team. Give them time and the offense will roll.
CanesFam and the the SOTU blog thinks that Golden should be given another year because he hasn't had a chance to fire his assistants yet.

Even though he did.
CanesFam and the the SOTU blog thinks that Golden should be given another year because he hasn't had a chance to fire his assistants yet.

Even though he did.

The same #canesfam fans experiencing schadenfreude at the Gators' expense are completely oblivious to the dumpster fire that's right in front of their faces at Miami. And they're the same people that think D'Onofrio is the problem and fail to realize this is Golden's defense. Replacing him and other defensive assistants with stooges to run the same exact defense fixes absolutely nothing, delays the inevitable, and only sets us back further.

A head coach who sticks his neck out for his defensive scheme and his defensive coordinator, after fielding total defenses ranked 120th and 90th, blew his opportunity to pull the fire D'Onofrio card.