OT: Cigars

Not a fan of Rocky's, Hemingway's are nice choice, but depending on what price point of cigar you are talking about. High price cigars, Fuente Opus X, Davidoff, Padron 1926, the My Father Limited Reserve for me can't go wrong. Then you have the $10-$12 cigars, Tatuaje 10 year, Padron Exclusivo, Gryffin Casino (Davidoff), Herrera Esteli (very good cigar and glad to say it cus went to school with him played football and basketball together with him, and seriously never thought he was into it), Drew Estates Liga #9 (for a great experience eat something spicy, not hot, but spicy like Jamaican Jerk, open up the palet and then smoke this cigar or Drew Estate T52).

Anything else I can help with don't hesitate to ask

Smoked Padron's for a while. Probably my favorite but I never had to pay for them since they were part of an endorsement deal with a country artist I worked with. I usually got tipped with a box of Padron 1964 Anniversary or family reserves.

At the height of the boom, Padron's you could never go wrong with, always full of ligero. Punci, I am a big Pepin fan, he definitely changed the industry, My Father has their hands on so many lines

I'm on a Don Pepin Cuban Classic kick right now. Love those cigars. I also just got a box of his "Flor De Las Antillas," great smoke as well. Can't go wrong with any of his line.